Monday, September 30, 2019
History of Management Theory
Running Head: HISTORY OF MANAGEMENT THEORY History of Management Theory Troy Thompson 5409 Foxglove Drive, Bossier City, LA 71112 318-918-7413 [email protected] com MSM 500 May 21, 2010 Class Instructor: Dr. David Bouvin Ellis University Introduction People and processes are the main elements under management purview, and it is interesting to learn how managerial philosophy pertaining to these two elements has evolved from the Industrial Revolution throughout the Progression Era and into the modern workplace. The purpose of this paper will focus on Frederick Taylor’s Scientific Management, also known as the Taylor System, and Elton Mayo’s Human Relations business models and how they relate to this managerial evolution. Both Taylor and Mayo were iconic masterminds who lit the torch of innovative management for America to progress out from days of uncontrolled process variation and unethical human treatment towards a new beginning of quality management and human respect in the workplace. The primary sources examined are Chapter 1 of Frederick Taylor’s The Principles of Scientific Management, and The Encylopedia of the History of American Management, Elton Mayo. Both sources will guide this paper in the direction of modern day relevancy. The Taylor System Before the Taylor System, factories during the Industrial Revolution concentrated on meeting the demand agriculture commerce from both home and abroad (Montagna, 1981). The focus was not necessarily on quality or the treatment of human labor (Montagna, 1981). Instead, the environment reflected heavy-and-go forms of process flow combined with poorly supervised labor. With his engineering mind and passion for efficiency, Taylor responded to these inadequacies and began his efforts of applying mathematics and engineering principles to eliminate unnecessary effort in operations. The Taylor System gave birth to the following management practices: Incentive-Driven work performances, Time-Motion Studies, Centralized Management, Task Specialization, and Quality Control (Taylor, 1911). All these adoptions gave rise to a new management school of thought centered around a more productive work place, which Taylor considered to be â€Å"maximum prosperity†(Taylor, 1911). Taylor firmly believed in developing â€Å"captains of industry†rather than waiting on natural-born leaders to come along (Taylor, 1911). He also recognized a need for more involvement from the supervisors in the workplace to help eliminate what he referred to as soldiering, or, laxed employee output. He said, â€Å"The 30 percent to 100 percent increase in wages which the workmen are able to earn beyond what they receive under the old type of management, coupled with the daily intimate shoulder to shoulder contact with the management, entirely removes all cause for soldiering†(Taylor, 1911). As the turn of the twentieth century neared, the progressive landscape begged for more efficient business practices (The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, line 16). This was the optimal time for the principles by which operational capacity could be measured, analyzed, streamlined, and controlled to take hold. This system then became a cornerstone on beset of the Great Depression and followed by future management theorists from then on after. One criticism of Scientific Management is that it demanded top-performance in every worker and near perfect throughput on the production line, developing into a quasi authoritarian-style form of bureaucracy. Workers were afraid to out-produce one another on the basis of peer pressure (Taylor, 1911). Taylor’s system was based on good intention, but just lacked understanding of the human side to the workplace. This left room for the work of Elton Mayo to yield fruition. Elton Mayo (Human Relations) Elton Mayo became famous through the Western Electric Company research project. The initial purpose of the project was to find ways to improve worker productivity. He and his team looked at how lighting, rest breaks, room temperature, etc. ffected worker productivity (Mayo, 2006). Through his research, he found a distinct discovery knows as the â€Å"Hawthorne Effect†, which described an increase in output by workers who perceived that they are being watched and studied somehow (Mayo, 2006). Mayo viewed the Hawthorne Effect as a symptom of a bigger issue. He then diverted from his original hypothesis of physical factors to the examination the socio-political factors. What he found was that employees valued acceptance by their peers more than anything else (Mayo, 2006). Also unique about Mayo’s observations was the paradigm-burst that employees were not motivated primarily due to compensation, but were motivated primarily due to job satisfaction; this, of course, was a stark difference in Taylor’s theory that men were motivated best when they were given wages that were commensurate with their skill level. In support of Mayoism, as his principles later became known for, I applaud his principles of human relations that captured the essence of the Progressive Era in that they advanced employee respect in the workplace. Due to his influence, business leaders began to ask the question, what can be done to make our employees happier? New policies were adopted such as exit interviews, participative problem solving, and most novel of all – human relations (Mayo, 2006). Conclusion The essence of Taylor and Mayo’s legacies are of human ingenuity applied to enhance work settings, in terms of both people and processes. The best form of both elements can be seen in today’s business strategy of continuous process improvement, which is a group effort to optimize key processes in an organization. From Six Sigma, to Gantt Charts, to Brainstorming, to Exit Interviews, it is hard to imagine a work setting without the production techniques these two management gurus inspired. For example, the Air Force has embraced a culture of innovation called Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21). Through AFSO21, Airmen are encouraged to look at the way they do business and think of ways to make their areas more efficient, more safe, energy-saving, and effective. Many Fortune 500 companies have also incorporated continuous process improvement into their business mantra as a result of business management education guided by the wisdom of Taylor and Mayo. References American Society of Quality. < http://www. asq. org/learn-about-quality/history-of-quality/overview/industrial-revolution. html> Mayo, G. (2006). In Encyclopedia of the History of American Management. Montagna, J. (1981). The Industrial Revolution. Taylor, F. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. New York: Harper Bros. , 1911: 5- 29. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. â€Å"The Progressive Era. †Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
What was the most significant conclusion that Gregor Mendel drew from his experiments with pea plants? A) There is considerable genetic variation in garden peas. B) Traits are inherited in discrete units, and are not the results of â€Å"blending. †C) Recessive genes occur more frequently in the Fl generation than do dominant ones. D) Genes are composed of DNA. E) An organism that is homozygous for many recessive traits is at a disadvantage. 2) How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an Individual with the genotype AaBbCCDdEE? rite down the gametes ) Why did Mendel continue some of his experiments to the F2 or F3 generation? A) to obtain a larger number of offspring on which to base statistics 8) to observe whether or not a recessive trait would reappear C) to observe whether or not the dominant trait would reappear D) to distinguish which alleles were segregating E) to be able to describe the frequency of recombination 4)Two plants are cro ssed, resulting in offspring with a 3:1 ratio for a particular trait.What does this suggest? 5) The fact that all seven of the pea plant traits studied by Mendel obeyed the rinciple of Independent assortment. What does this suggest about the seven traits studied by Mendel? 6) In the cross AaBbCc x AaBbCc, what Is the probability of producing the genotype AABBCC 7) Given the parents AABBCc x AabbCc, assume simple dominance for each trait and Independent assortment. What proportion of the progeny will be expected to phenotypically resemble the first parent? ) Which of the following is the best statement of the use of the addition rule of probability? A) the probability that two or more independent events will both occur B) the probability that two or more ndependent events will both occur in the offspring of one set of parents C) the probability that either one of two Independent events will occur D) the probability of producing two or more heterozygous offspring E) the likelihood tha t a trait is due to two or more meiotic events 9) Radish flowers may be red, purple, or white.A cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant yields all-purple offspring. The part of the radish we eat may be oval or long, with long being the dominant characteristic. *** If true-breeding red long radishes are crossed with true-breeding white oval radishes, what will the Fl phenotype? flower color trait in radishes Is an example of which of the B) sex linkage C) codominance D) incomplete dominance E) epistasis 10) Gene S controls the sharpness of spines in a type of cactus.Cactuses with the dominant allele, S, have sharp spines, whereas homozygous recessive ss cactuses have dull spines. At the same time, a second gene, N, determines whether or not cactuses have spines. Homozygous recessive nn cactuses have no spines at all. *** The relationship between genes S and N is an example of A) incomplete dominance. B) epistasis. C) complete dominance. D) pleiotropy. E) codomin ance. 1) Women (and all female mammals) have one active X chromosome per cell instead of two. What causes this?A) modification of the XIST gene so that it is active only on one X chromosome, which then becomes inactive B) activation of the Barr gene on one of the two X chromosomes that then inactivates C) crossover between the XIST gene on one X chromosome and a related gene on an autosome D) inactivation of the XIST gene on the X chromosome derived from the male parent E) the removal of methyl (CH3) groups from the X chromosome that will remain active 12) Which of the following statements is true of linkage? A) The closer two genes are on a chromosome, the lower the probability that a crossover will occur between them.B) The observed frequency of recombination of two genes that are far apart from each other has a maximum value of 100%. C) All of the traits that Mendel studied-seed color, pod shape, flower color, and others-are due to genes linked on the same chromosome. D) Linked g enes are found on different chromosomes. E) Crossing over occurs during prophase II of meiosis. 13) What does a frequency of recombination of 50% indicate? A) The two genes are likely to be located on different chromosomes. B) All of the offspring have combinations of traits that match one of the two parents.C) The genes are located on sex chromosomes. D) Abnormal meiosis has occurred. E) Independent assortment is hindered. 14) Map units on a linkage map cannot be relied upon to calculate physical distances on a chromosome for which of the following reasons? A) The frequency of crossing over varies along the length of the chromosome. B) The relationship between recombination frequency and map units is different in every individual. C) Physical order on the chromosomes is slightly different in every individual. E) Linkage map istances are identical between males and females. 5) Which of the following is known as a Philadelphia chromosome? A) a human chromosome 22 that has had a speci fic translocation B) a human chromosome 9 that is found only in one type of cancer C) an animal chromosome found primarily in the mid-Atlantic area of the United States D) an imprinted chromosome that always comes from the mother E) a chromosome found not in the nucleus but in mitochondria 16) The following is a map of four genes on a chromosome. Figure 1 Between which two genes would you expect the highest frequency of recombination? A) A and WB) w and E C) E and G D) A and E E) A and G 17) How do we describe transformation in bacteria? A) the creation of a strand of DNA from an RNA molecule B) the creation of a strand of RNA from a DNA molecule C) the infection of cells by a phage DNA molecule D) the type of semiconservative replication shown by DNA E) assimilation of external DNA into a cell 18) Cytosine makes up 42% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA from an organism. Approximately what percentage of the nucleotides in this sample will be thymine? 19) What is meant by the des cription â€Å"antiparallel†regarding the strands that make p DNA?A) The twisting nature of DNA creates nonparallel strands. B) The 5†² to 3†² direction of one strand runs counter to the 5†² to 3†² direction of the other strand. C) Base pairings create unequal spacing between the two DNA strands. D) One strand is positively charged and the other is negatively charged. E) One strand contains only purines and the other contains only pyrimidines. 20)An Okazaki fragment has which of the following arrangements? A) primase, polymerase, ligase B) 3†² RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 5†² C) 5†² RNA nucleotides, DNA nucleotides 3†² D) DNA polymerase l, DNA polymerase.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Affecting Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Affecting Change - Essay Example From these trends, it is clear that the traditional model of child protective services (CPS) has failed in its bid to successfully protect many children who require help (American Humane Association, 2005). Traditional child protective services lay more emphasis on investigations of probable maltreatment to establish whether or not children have been or are exposed to risk of being harmed. In general, this model is governed by legal obligations established in every state in the United States of America (Ortiz, Shusterman & Fluke, 2008). Child protection services has care for the children as its main concern but the stipulated laws do not clearly spell out all that has to be carried out to help families and children. However they just offer a framework within which appropriate steps can be taken. Consequently, it is important to point out that the traditional model of child protective service system is not adequately safeguarding the welfare of children. In many occasions, a conflict between the need to protect children and the aspiration to engage and maintain families has been within child welfare services. Professionals within the child protection services, especially the social/ welfare workers probably encounter this tension most. Among others in the field, they endeavor to respond to questions such as: when are the signs of neglect and abuse so severe among children that they have to be taken away from their homes? How can partnership be built with parents in areas of substantiated or suspected child maltreatment. What is the best approach to assist families change to ensure that children’s welfare is well taken care of in the best interest? The traditional model has put more pressure on many welfare workers due to the volume of work hence making it difficult to investigate allegations and engage parents. Further, the approach complicates issues as research has indicated this deficit-focused
Friday, September 27, 2019
Critique Review of the Film The Pursuit of Happiness Movie
Critique of the Film The Pursuit of Happiness - Movie Review Example It goes to extra lengths to inspire its viewers even when it shows much of what happens when one does not have as opposed to how to get what everyone wants to have: that is moneyThe film has two key characters, Chris Gardner and his son. Chris Gardner is a character that goes to extra lengths to alleviate his family from poverty. He struggles so hard to make ends meet despite being evicted from the apartment (Muccino, 2006). Unlike the common conception where people struggle financially because they are school dropouts or drug addicts, Gardner is shown as a talented and bright young man who is unfortunate. Together with his son, they endure so many hardships including sleeping in shelters, subway, and hotel when he is lucky to get money during the day. From the look of how the characters dress, the film’s setting takes place at a time when America’s economy was under a recession. Research shows that the last few years of this century are not the worst hit by the economi c recession as compared to the early 1980s (Leonhardt, 2009). However, despite this, Gardner aims at showing the world that the poor do not need an army to fight poverty. All that a person needs are proper shoes as shown in several scenes and a positive attitude regardless of the problems at hand. As a viewer, it is also critical to note that Will Smith, who is Chris Gardner in the film, does an exceptional job at convincing viewers of the struggles that people face just to survive. There are not so many films that portray how people struggle financially and in relationships so convincingly. I believe that the film drives the point home allowing viewers to make note of its logos of the logic contained in its interesting display of characters’ behavior. Though Smith is only acting, this is a message that reminds all those who have the resources particularly the middle-income families that all this can go away.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Develop the Eden Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Develop the Eden Project - Research Paper Example It is of high importance to mention that the evolution of the telecommunication technology along with the process of evolution of high speed internet and various kinds of technology enabled gadgets has resulted in the process of playing a tremendous amount of influence in the lives of the masses around the world. It needs to be mentioned that because of the lines of emergence of high speed internet connectivity, the network of communication channels has improved in a drastic manner all over the world. The internet has played a major role in the process of creating the channels of communication in the various regions of the developed as well as the developing economies. It can be rightly said that it is of considerable importance to highlight that this technology powered development has resulted in the process of transformation of the globe, where the entire world can be represented and increasingly seen as a single and well connected global entity. Because of this technology powered transformation of the world around us, there has always been a steady evolution of various kinds of trends associated with the factor of globalization and innovation. The trends of globalization as well as innovation that are emerging from all corners of the world are increasingly getting diffused at a very rapid pace and it is happening irrespective of the fact of whether the regions are located in the developed or developing economies. The rapid diffusion of the trends of globalization and innovation is resulting in the process of evolution of various kinds of new types of consumer demands. These new consumer demands are increasingly paving the way for a significant amount of business opportunity. In this case, the focus is on Eden Project. The Eden Project is a tourist setup in the region of Cornwall in United Kingdom. The project has been developed on a very entrepreneurial as well as innovative note. The entire tourist attraction spot has been built on a former 200 ft deep clay fit and currently comprises of two giant biomes. It has been opened to the public in the year 2001 (Smale, 2006). The uniqueness of the entire project is the fact that the project is aimed to develop and enhance an understanding among the public that a successful business can be conducted by developing a sustainable approach to life as well as to the planet as whole. This assignment is focused on developing a strategic analysis using various models as well as identifying various possible courses of action which will have a compatibility with the various short and long term goals as well as operational perspectives of the tourist site. Strategic Capability analysis using Kay’s distinctive capabilities framework From the academic point of view, the strategic capability
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
A thank you letter for being granted a Union County College Scholarship Essay
A thank you letter for being granted a Union County College - Scholarship Essay Example This has been occasioned by the realization that to be able to complete my course training, I would have to take three years. This scholarship will help me be able to pay my tuition fees to be able to complete my academics. This scholarship will help me during my internships. The scholarship will also help me complete my college tuition fees and hence be able to graduate. Completion of my studies which will be facilitated by the scholarship will enable me to secure employment in nursing which is my area of interest. I will therefore be able to offer quality services to the patients and demonstrate my skills and knowledge that I have gained during my course of study. This will help me derive personal satisfaction from my work and ensure better services to the patients. Union County College Foundation. UCC Tips for Scholarship Thank You Letters. 2010-2011, Available at: Retrieved on: November 22
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Microbial Water Quality and Influences of Fecal Accumulation from a Essay
Microbial Water Quality and Influences of Fecal Accumulation from a Dog Exercise Area - Essay Example The results obtained from the samples were keenly analyzed and evaluated to give the relevant result. Published documents were also reviewed to compare the result found with the current experiment results (Garfield and Walker, 2008). The results found were obtained through different tools and techniques, these included sampling of the water and also an analysis of fecal accumulation and burden at different spots along the rivers and lakes. With the fecal accumulation strategy, different masses of dry feces were taken and weighed and then compared with the quantity of feces available per plot. The water sampling technique entailed sampling of the water at different points of the river and then filtering the water on specific filters to give the E.coli bacteria levels before an analysis is done on the amount of waste found in the water (Garfield and Walker, 2008). More feces were deposited at the upstream than downstream. Simple linear regression was used for a comparison and analysis of data obtained from the water sampling technique. This was to determine the relationship between the sample of water collected and the fecal amount found. For the data obtained on the fecal E.coli burden, a correlation analysis was done to give the best result on the relationship between the two (Garfield and Walker, 2008). The result from water sampling showed a variety in correlation between the amount of fecal discharge in the upstream and downstream but did not show any correlation with the seasons (Garfield and Walker, 2008). The regression analysis however showed there was a significate rate of fecal discharge during the summer than in all other existing seasons. Over time it was realized that the amount of feces discharge increased at a constant rate within and around the water sources. The feces of canine animals such as dogs were also found to contain a
Monday, September 23, 2019
The living conditions and general environment of the Japanese American Research Paper
The living conditions and general environment of the Japanese American internment camps during World War II - Research Paper Example fter investigation of the bombing provided no concrete evidence of sabotage by the Japanese Americans, the heads of the war department concluded that the Japanese were organized and would not hesitate to put forth an attack at any given favorable moment. Thus the recommendation by the commanding officer, General DeWitt, to relocate the Japanese residents was approved without any further enquiry. An order was passed calling for mass evacuation of all those who were of Japanese descent by the Justice Department, which however, did consider the evacuation to be unnecessary and unconstitutional but had to give in to the views expressed by those in power. Being an election year and also faced with the uncertainty of a war and for want of support from the people, the then President, Franklin Roosevelt signed the Executive Order 9066 on February, 1942, which ordered the army to exclude any one form areas designated by the military. The order never mentioned that people of Japanese descent b e excluded or interned, but was however, used only against them (Exploring the Japanese American internment; Japanese Internment). Thus the signing of the order was the starting point for one of the largest ever migration in world history and the evacuation of more than 110,000 Japanese Americans from the West Coast began in early spring that year (Exploring the Japanese American internment; Japanese Internment; Historical Overview; World War II; Relocation). A mass removal of such magnitude took place over a short time between the months of March to November, 1942 (Exploring the Japanese American internment; World War II). The people were not told why they were subjected to such hardships, no charges were leveled against them and they did not know where they were relocated. Families were told to sell their properties within a short notice period and told to carry minimum household belongings required for daily living. The families were given number tags and it was with such an
Sunday, September 22, 2019
TLMT312 WEEK 7 FORUM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
TLMT312 WEEK 7 FORUM - Assignment Example ding value-added, property, income tax, and inventory as a strong consideration in the supply chain design introduces various issues for supply chain management. Such issues are tax policy dynamics, infrastructure concerns, and activity integration. Infrastructure supports supply chain activities. For example, infrastructure attracts supply chain value-added to both local and regional countries. Supply chain managers need to understand the implications of infrastructure issues and be able to communicate the issues with the planners in order to evaluate the design strategy (American Public University System). Also, local and regional tax strategy regarding inventory may motivate production, thuspositively influencing supply chain. Some firms manage regional and local inventory from different countries. For example, Singaporepurchase products from local or regional production operation by having a Singaporean entity.The firms obtain the local or regional production operation at the standard production cost and the firms resell to markets around the world. Reselling will enable the firms to generate profits in a tax preferred environment, thus encouraging the need of supply chain.The use of local and regional tax strategy regarding income tax and property can have a greater impact on the supplychain. For example, in high-margin firms that produce large amounts of taxable income, their supply chain is positively affected since there will be a need of supplying more products. The rise in the supply of the products will help the firms in fetching more income tax from different countries (Amer ican Public University System). In conclusion, supply chain and logistics managers need to understand the interactions and dynamics. Particularly, what is the possible impact of value-added, property, income tax, and inventory taxes on particular supply chain
Saturday, September 21, 2019
I Had a Job I Liked Once by Guy Vanderhaeghe Essay Example for Free
I Had a Job I Liked Once by Guy Vanderhaeghe Essay Guy Vanderhaegh takes us back a few decades in the retelling of a court case in small town, Saskatchewan in the play, â€Å"I Had a Job I liked. Once. †Using elements of style, staging and developing characters throughout the play Vanderhaegh portrays to the audience the theme of the biases and prejudices that come with living in a small town. The story is set in small town Saskatchewan in a police station office, on the night of August of 1957. Corporal Heasman has brought in Les Grant on the account of accused rape Tracy Tolbertson, and the play follows the questioning of Sergeant Finestad to Les, who retells his involvement with Tracy, the daughter of Mr. Tolbertson, the local crown attorney. The story has many sub conflicts; the tension between Finestad and Tolbertson being a main one. Tolbertson wants his daughter’s accused rapist behind bars, but Finestad wants to get the whole story instead of just listening to Tolbertson. Then there is the conflict of Finestad with himself; for years he has followed the law and stuck to the book, but in this case he is having a hard time sticking to the black and white because he feels that there is more to the story. All these sub conflicts underlie to the main conflict of the prejudices and biases that come from living in a small town, and the difficulties that come with dealing with that. These conflicts all lead up to the climax where Finestand goes against Tolbertson and against the prejudices of the town and lets Les Grant go, without charging him. Vanderhaegh does a very good job of developing the characters in this play. We are first introduced to Sergeant Finestad who has a very strong character-he likes being charged and doesn’t do well with being told what to do. Finestad undergoes a very big character change through the course of this play. At the beginning, Finestad is very strict to the law, strict to the rules. As he says to Heasman before Les is brought in to be questioned, â€Å"Nothing about police work is personal. We follow the law, Tom. We’re the keepers of the rules. If we don’t keep them, what right do we have to enforce them? †This comes after he writes on the chalk board in big bold letters â€Å"NOT PERSONAL†. Through questioning Les Grant and learning his story, we see him change at the end where he lets Les go, not charging him and saying, â€Å"something broke down tonight, Tom. Either the book, or me. †He realized that he couldn’t charge Les just based on what it says in the book. The other character who undergoes change in the story is Les. Les comes from a very rough family, and has had some challenges throughout his life, but he has stayed a good, hardworking kid. He now works at the town swimming pool in the pump room, which is where he is changed. At the pool Les is bullied very badly- every day when he gets to work there is something new written about him or his mother on the bathroom walls, which he has to clean up. He puts up with this for so long until he finally can’t do it anymore and snaps, which is when he allegedly raped Tracy. Les is then judged because of his family background, and almost found guilty just based on the prejudices against him. There are other characters that help to contribute to the conflict as well. Corporal Heasman who works with Finestad is constantly against him, wanting Les to be charged to make Mr. Tolbertson happy. Mr. Tolbertson, as Finestad describes him, â€Å"likes to win, so the rules get ignored or ben. The law’s a game. †He doesn’t bother with protocol, but is just used to getting what he wants, in this case being Les being charged. He is a hard nut who always gets his way and orders everyone around, especially his wife and Tracy. Because of this, Tracy rebels and brings out her anger making other people feel bad, such as Les Grant. All these characters come together into forming the main conflict. Guy Vanderhaeghe broaches a theme that can be very relatable to people growing up in small towns. After Finestad releases Les Grant, he explains to Heasman the reason. He recalls a poem from his grade three teacher that has the lines â€Å"Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright/In the forests of the night. †He always asks himself, â€Å"Who made the tiger? Who made the tiger? †He then goes on to say, â€Å"Who made Les Grant? They did. And who made that girl? More of the same. Poor, sorry, fucked up tigers. And you and me-we’re supposed to play tiger tamer. After they’ve used their teeth. I might have been up to the game-once, but all of a sudden it seems too complicated for rules-for me. †This is where the main theme of small town prejudices is revealed, and how there’s more to people that what meets the eye. Society judges people based on their first impressions of what they see and what they’ve heard about them. The question â€Å"Who made the tiger? †refers to the events and families in people’s past that shape who that young person becomes. Tracy’s dad was very strict and hard on her, which makes her rebel, leading her to writing the cruel things about Les on the wall. Les has had to deal with his rough family life growing up which automatically causes people to judge him. Heasman describes them as a â€Å"Bad bunch, the Grants. †Les has also been bullied for such a long time that it causes him to act out. He is good kid, but all these outside influences came into making him make a bad decision. As he explained to Finestad, â€Å"Taking it from them for as long as I remember, that gave me the right. †He believed that he had the right to do that to Tracy because he has had so many things happen to him in the past. This play deals with the prejudices society has against people and how that shapes them into who they are. Guy Vanderhaegh’s use of styling really emphasizes many things in the play, whether it be through the use of different language, symbolism or repetition. Finestad’s injured back is one symbol of his relationship with Les. When Finestad hurts his back, he asks for Les to help him and says, â€Å"Don’t let them see me like this. Please don’t give me away. †He is humiliated and Les helps him, keeping his promise. At the end of the story, the tables are turned and Les is now the one who needs help. Les is asking Finestad to not lay a charge. He says, â€Å"Don’t’ give me away to them. That’s what you asked when your back went out. That’s what you asked me. †His back symbolizes the debt he owed to Les. The Tiger in Finestad’s poem also symbolizes Les Grant and Tracy Tolbertson, who had many things contributing into making who they are and resulting in the actions they did. Vanderhaegh also uses Tolbertson’s appearances as a way to contribute to the rising action of the play, leading right up to the climax. At first Tolbertson is just mentioned when Heasman and Finestad are talking about them, then he calls and Finestad ignores him, and finally he shows up trying to threaten Finestad. In all three â€Å"appearances†, Finestad put Mr. Tolbertson down leading right up to the climax where he completely opposes Mr. Tolbertson and does not charge Les. The repetition of acknowledging the statute book also emphasizes Finestad’s character change. He went from following it’s every word to forgetting about it and going against it at the end. The staging also helps in contributing to creating the mood of the play. The whole play takes place in the one office at the police station with no scene change. This set is very basic, which makes you focus on the characters and their actions instead of their surroundings. The lighting used helps to create the atmosphere for the memories Les has, such as it creating a â€Å"lattice-work effect to suggest a grill†at the pool, or the dimming of the lights suggesting a soft summer night on the day Les picks up Tracy. Instead of scene changes, characters enter and exit the scene giving the impression of a new location. Even in memories, Tracy actually enters the office as Les is describing the memory so as to give the audience a better understanding of what happened. The use of different sounds, such as splashing at a swimming pool or music in a car helps create the atmosphere as well. At the end of scenes, the characters do not leave, rather the lights blackout. The scene is different, but they are still in the same place. This gives you a sense of mood change to the scene. Finestad never leaves the office until the very end of the play, where he turns the office light off, walks out and the curtain comes down, giving you the sense of finality. Many things have to come together in a play to get the main message across. With Guy Vanderhaegh’s effective use of styling, staging and character building he efficiently gets across to the audience the idea that with small towns come prejudices and biases, and that before making judgments you need to understand a person’s background and circumstances to get the whole story. â€Å"I Had a Job I Liked. Once. †is an interesting play with a good message to take home.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Issues Faced In Product Feasibility Commerce Essay
The Issues Faced In Product Feasibility Commerce Essay This chapter will discuss the proposed product of the proponents. It includes a product description which highlights the special features, benefits and advantages of the product. A detailed product specification will be discussed to better describe the proposed product of the proponents. It will also include the raw materials, equipments and technology to be used in the production process. Product Description Product Name: ZILI Plus ZILI Plus is an herbal food supplement made from grinded cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is one of the most powerful herbs in the world because of its benefit to human body. It is made out of vegetable capsules which has the highest concentration of Capsaicin among other pepper herbs. Capsaicin, a compound found in Cayenne pepper, stimulates blood circulation and digestion. It contains Vitamins A and B complex as well as Vitamin C and K. The herb contributes significantly to a healthy heart and strong peripheral circulation. It contains mineral compounds that promote systemic cleansing, increase peripheral circulation, and promote overall health and well-being. The health-related history of cayenne pepper began with traditional Indian Ayurvedic practitioners and was later used in Asian countries like China, Japan and Korea. The vitamins, minerals, and compounds found in cayenne pepper work to cleanse the system and promote overall health and well-being. N-S-P-P-USP MODEL Need: General: Treatment for health conditions such as poor circulation, weak digestion, chronic pain, sore throats, headaches and toothaches. Digestion: used to reduce weight, stimulates body metabolism, stomach cramps, acidity, reflux and gas, and helps regulate digestion of carbohydrates, used as a remedy for constipation Circulation: maintain blood sugar levels, improve blood circulation, improve heart functions and prevent heart diseases. Muscle pains: Provides relief to rheumatic, joint, and arthritis pains External uses: use as a powerful coagulant (stops bleeding), wound-healing, disinfectant, USP (Unique Selling Proposition): It contains highly concentrated capsaicin found in no other herbal products; Used in cleansing the digestive tract and helps peripheral blood circulation. ZILI Plus as a Food Supplement: Maintains a healthy digestive system Cayenne pepper stimulates digestive system function. It helps to cleanse the digestive tract and to reduce gas buildup. Cayenne also stimulates gastric juice output and acts as a natural digestive agent. Maintains healthy circulation Cayenne pepper helps support healthy circulation and in particular, cayenne pepper helps to increase peripheral circulation. Cayenne pepper contains vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant that keeps the heart healthy. It also contains Vitamins C and K. These nutrients are associated with healthy blood circulation. Enhances metabolic efficiency ZILI Plus is made up of Capsaicin, an important alkaloid in cayenne pepper. It helps boost energy released by the body and therefore increases metabolism rate. Strengthens the immune system Cayenne pepper is one of the best sources of vitamin C and is often used to stimulate intense sweating. Cayenne pepper also contains folic and Para-benzoic acids, plus vitamins A and B-complex. Enhances the efficacy of other herbal and nutritional supplements Cayenne pepper is a catalyst for other herbs, primarily due to its oleoresin content, transporting them quickly to where they are needed most. Source: SUPPLEMENT FACTS Table 1.1 Serving Size 1 Capsules Amount Per Serving %Daily Value Cayenne (Capsicum frutescens) (fruits) 450 mg Other Ingredients: Plant Cellulose, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate Side Effects of ZILI Plus Gastrointestinal Side Effects Substance of cayenne pepper can cause stomach irritation in some individuals if taken. Anyone who is prone to heartburn is advised to talk to their doctors before taking cayenne pepper capsules. People with irritable bowel syndrome or stomach or intestinal ulcers may not be able to safely consume cayenne pepper supplements. Moisture Effects The body of the user may react to effects of capsaicin stimulation by producing extra moisture. A person taking cayenne pepper capsules may experience sweating, flushing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. Allergic Reaction Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to cayenne pepper. Signs include difficulty breathing, chest pain, tightness in the throat or chest, a skin rash, hives, and itchy or swollen skin. An allergic reaction to cayenne pepper capsules should be considered a medical emergency. Kidney and Liver Issues Consuming too much capsaicin can cause kidney and liver damage. People should not exceed recommended doses, and anyone with kidney or liver problems should not take cayenne pepper capsules. Source: Table 1.2 B-A-F Matrix Benefits to Customers Advantages V.S Competitors Features of the Product Food supplements Preserves nutritional integrity Easy to take Healthy lifestyle Cheaper than other health supplement 3 benefits in 1 capsule Prevents diseases All natural made Bottle used is push and twist. Best choice for diet We use capsule to prevent the real taste of the cayenne Easy to store. Can be put it anywhere Health heart, Stimulates digestion, healthy circulation Information is printed in the bottle Functions of Cayenne Pepper Cayenne or most commonly known as chili, is a popular spice used by various countries not only for cooking but also for medicinal purposes for thousands of years now. Capsaicin, the key ingredient which gives all kinds of pepper their heat, is the main natural chemical component of cayenne. Peppers are measured according to their heat, and usually, a pepper contains 0-15% of capsaicin. A peppers heat degree determines its usage and value. This means that the hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains which also means that it has more usage and value. Capsaicin not only gives heat to the pepper, it also acts to reduce platelet stickiness and also relives pain. Other elements of cayenne are vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids. C:UsersAPRILDocumentsEXPROJIMAGESfoodchart.php.jpg Source: Health Benefits Cayenne pepper, not only adds heat and spice to the food but also an excellent source of vitamin A carotenoids including beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is highly important in our body for it helps in reducing the symptoms of asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Also, because of cayenne pepper contains antioxidant, it is very helpful in the prevention of free radical damages that can ultimately lead to atherosclerosis, colon cancer, and diabetic complications, nerve damage and heart diseases. Source: Cardio Vascular Benefits Cayenne and other red chili peppers are known to reduce blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and platelet aggregation. They are also known to increase the bodys ability to dissolve fibrin, a substance essential for the formation of blood clotting. Cayenne peppers are very helpful in reducing the risk of having heart attack, stroke, and pulmonary embolism. According to research studies, people who are accustomed to eating hot peppers like cayenne, has a lower rate or possibility to have such diseases. Prevent Stomach Ulcers Cayenne peppers does not cause ulcers, instead they help prevent such disease by killing the bacteria that you might have ingested in your body. While doing such, it also stimulates the cell lining in the stomach to help secrete protective buffering juices that would prevent ulcer formation. Product Specification This product comes in vegetable membrane capsules. Contained in a white round medicine plastic bottles that can accommodate 60 capsules of ZILI Plus Table1.3 Empty vegetable Capsule Physical Specifications SIZE OUTER DIAMETER (mm) HEIGHT OR LOCKED LENGTH (mm) CAPACITY (mg) 12 15.3 40.5 450 mg Vegetable Capsules Vegetable capsules are made from natural plant cellulose unlike gelatin capsules. It has the same function as gelatin capsules. Vegetable capsules are starch-free, gluten free and it does not contain preservatives. These capsules are made so that the demand of vegetarian and special cultural lifestyle would be met. Vegetable capsules are from HMPC (hydroxyl, propylm, methyl cellulose) which is comprised of plant cellulose. It has been widely used in food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals all over the world. These capsules can also be coloured by natural edible colorants and can be imprinted with natural printing inks. Also vegetable capsules run smoothly on all kinds of high speed and semiautomatic filling machines. Source: Illustration 1.1 Capsule Specification 40.5 mm/ 4.05 ml *Scoville Units refer to the capsaicin level in a specific pepper or pepper product. The degree of heat in a particular pepper is directly proportional to the capsaicin level. BOTTLE: Height : 7.5cm or 2.95 inches Length: 5.5cm or 2.16 inches Width: 5.5 cm or 2.16 inches ZILI Plus Bottle Sizes: ZILI Plus bottle= 2.952.162.16 inches Weight: 27,000 mg per bottle Shape: Round Color Scheme: White Brand Name: ZILI Plus The proponents have decided to use ZILI Plus as our brand name because the product is made up of 100% natural spice herb with 3-in-1 health benefit. The name ZILI gives emphasis that the product is made up of spice herb particularly Cayenne Pepper. This gives us a competitive advantage because Singaporeans will be attracted to our brand name because of its Plus health benefits. Labeling: Direction for use: Take twice a day before meal. Do not exceed recommended doses to avoid complications. Best Before: 2 years from manufacturing. See bottom of bottle (DDMMYY) DOH logo: Recognized by DOH and BFAD that it is proven safe to use Manufactured by: ZILI Company Corp. 2111 MM Ave. Binan Laguna Ph, Economic Technical Developing Zone of Philippines Imported by: ZILI Corporation Philippines For more information: TEL. NO. 744-33-21/744-3322 or 1800-10-4546259 Production Process Production Process Flow Chart Note: Receiving of raw materials: Every month General Manager Quality checking of raw materials: Upon delivery General Manager STEP 1: Grinding The dried peppers are ground into fine powder using a fine spice mill. Illustration 1.3 277368.jpg STEP 2: Encapsulation Capsule filling machine will be used to fill the vegetable capsules with 4.5ml of grounded cayenne powder. Capsules will be fed into the machine, the filler then align, opens and accurately fills each capsule and recloses. Fillers generate minimum dust with lowest level of product loss. Non-separated, double loaded capsules and improperly inserted capsules are automatically rejected by machines to maintain the consistency in the quality of product. Illustration 1.4 Capsule Filling Machine Table 1.4 Machine Specification SPECIFICATION CAPSULE INSPECTION MACHINE Capacity 160,000 pcs/hr Machine size LxWxH (cm) 119mm X 126 mm X 223 mm Net Weight 1800 kg STEP 3: Capsule Inspection This inspection machine is designed and used for inspecting capsule or tablet which is spotty, broken, or not standard by vision through mechanically rotating the capsule over 360 degrees or turning the tablet from one surface to the other surface. The inspector can easily take out any bad capsule or tablet and collect together. Illustration 1.5 Capsule Inspection Machine Table 1.5 Machine Specification SPECIFICATION CAPSULE INSPECTION MACHINE Capacity 160,000 pcs/hr Machine size LxWxH (cm) 110x40x140 Net Weight 130 kg Step 4: Bottling Machines count out capsules and drop them into empty bottles standing like soldiers at attention on another conveyor belt. The bottles then move beneath a laser, which seals a protective liner over the bottles tops. Illustration 1.6 Bottling Machine main_bottle_capsule_counter.jpg Table 1.6 Bottling Specification SPECIFICATION BOTTLING MACHINE Capacity 60 bottles/minute No. of counting channels 16 Dimension 1980x1870x1740 mm Net Weight 130 kg Step 5: Capping Capping machines will be used to secure caps onto medicine bottles. This semi-automatic capping machine allows a single operator to perform routine activities quickly and accurately. Illustration 1.7 bottle_auto_capper_rotary_main.jpg Table 1.7 SPECIFICATION BOTTLING MACHINE Capacity 60 bottles/minute Cap diameter 10-60 mm Bottle diameter 15-100 mm Bottle height 50-150 mm Machine dimension 2400x1000x1900 mm Weight 700 kg Step 6: Labeling The fully-automatic, single-side labeling machine is an ideal machine for labeling round, oval, flat and square bottles. It can also be used for wrap-around labels. Illustration 1.8 bottle_labeler_single_sided_main.jpg Table 1.8 SPECIFICATION BOTTLING MACHINE Capacity 60 bottles/minute Bottle diameter 15-100 mm Bottle height 50-150 mm Machine dimension 2400x1000x1900 mm Weight 700 kg Step 7: Putting manufactured and expiration date Manual Stamping of manufacturing date and expiration date will be done by the employees. Expiration date will be 2 years after the manufacturing date. Step 8: Final Inspection A final inspection will be made to check the overall quality of the product. Check if the bottles are properly sealed and there are no cracks and stuffs. The quality control staff would use any or all of their five senses to examine and check the product. Step 9: Export Packing After passing final quality standard checks, products will be carefully packed in a carton box. It will be marked accordingly to ensure proper handling of the product. Sealed with packing tape, it will be then be fitted into a wooden crate which is mounted on a pallet for loading convenience. CARTON BOX 22.44 inches 14.37 inches 11.22 inches The dimension of the carton is 14.3722.4411.22 (inches). In 1 carton there will be 200 ZILI Plus bottles. Computation to know how many ZILI Plus bottles will be placed in a carton : (14.3722.4411.22=3618.03)/ (3.502.162.16=16.33) =221.55 OR 200 boxes The excess space is for the divider inside the box. The box must contain the following labels: Company name: ZILI PLUS Product name: ZILI Plus: Cayenne Pepper Capsules Batch Number Bar Code Precautions measures for handling Country of origin Volume content: 5,400,000 ( 27,000mg x 200) or 54 kilograms Gantt ChartC:UsersAPRILDocumentsEXPROJIMAGESgantt-revised.jpg Maximum Daily Production: 2,100 Bottles 60 Capsule per bottle 450mg per capsule 27,000 mg per bottle 56,700,000 mg or 56.7kg in 2100 bottles 126,000 capsule in 2100 bottles Analysis: From 8:00 am to 8:25 am The Grinding Machine will grind 56,700,000 mg or 56.7kg of dried cayenne pepper in to powder. This is will take 25 minutes. From 8:25 am to 9:15 am Encapsulation Machine will have output of 126,000 capsules. This will take 50 minutes. From 9:15 am to 10:05 am Capsule Inspection machine can inspect 126,000 capsules. This will take also 50 minutes. From 10:00 am to 10:30 am There will be 1 batch of worker will take 15 minutes break and another batch will be for the next 15 minutes, so the machine will not shut down, the machine will work continuously. From 10:05 am to 10:40 am Bottling Machine will put the capsule in the bottle and ready for capping. This will take 35 minutes. From 10:40 am to 11:15 am The Capping Machine will cap the bottles that came from Bottling. This will take 35 minutes. From 11:15 am to 11:50 am The Labeling Machine will put sticker of the label in the bottle. This will take 35 minutes. From 11:50 pm to 1:30 pm The workers will put manufacturing and expiration date in the bottle manually. This will take 1hr and 40 minutes. From 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm The will be also divided in two batch, 1st batch will eat lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00pm and another batch will take their lunch from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. So there will be no stoppage or shut down of machine. From 1:30 pm to 3:15 pm The product will have a final inspection of the capping whether it is cap well, labeling whether the sticker is put in the bottle orderly and lastly the inspect in the every bottle whether there is manufacturing and expiration date. From 3:00 pm to 3:30 There will be another break of 15 minutes per batch of workers, and will have a total of 30 minutes for 2 batch of workers. From 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm The worker will put all bottles in the boxes manually, 100 bottles per box, so there will be a total of 21 boxes in a daily. Estimated Production capacity Table 1.9 Production Estimates Kg Capsules Bottles Daily 56.7 126,000 2,100 Weekly 340.2 756,000 12,600 Monthly 1,360.8 3,024,000 50,400 Annually 16,329.6 36,288,000 604,800 Production Process Estimates: Amount of grounded cayenne pepper per day = 56,700,000 Amount of grounded cayenne pepper per capsule= 450 mg Total no. of capsules produced in a day = 2,100 capsules Total no. of capsules in a bottle = 60 capsules Gantt Chart of Shipping Month Year January February March April May June July August September October November December 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Twice a Month 20ft Container (232.2892.5294.09=2,022,045.436) / (14.3722.4411.22=3618.03) = 558.88 or 558 Boxes 111,600 Bottles Need 2 Months and 2 day to Fill the 20ft Container 200 Bottles per Box 1st Year (LCL) 157 Boxes Every Shipping 31,400 Bottle 2nd and 3rd Year (LCL) 315 Boxes Every Shipping 63,000 Bottle 4th and 5th Year (FCL) 472 Boxes Every Shipping 94,400 Bottles
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Lumbee Problem Essays -- essays research papers
     The first reading was the preface and the fourth chapter from the book, â€Å"The Lumbee Problem: The Making of an American Indian People†, entitled, â€Å"What are they trying to do now?†In this reading, the author, Karen I. Blu, examines the political history of the Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina and goes into detail about her findings during her visit there between 1967 and 1968. Blu argues that the political history of the Lumbee Indians was greatly affected by the relationships between them and non-Indians as well as each other’s perceptions of one another. The fourth chapter focuses on the Black-Indian coalition that was formed during this time and the details surrounding its emergence, objectives, and achievements. Blu noted that the three specific aims of the coalition were: â€Å"(1) the registration of non-White voters, (2) the election of non-Whites to county offices, and (3) the active participation of non-Whites in t he county Democratic Party organization.†The coalition was successful in their first two goals as the registration of non-White voters increased noticeably in 1968 and one man supported by the coalition was elected. However, these successes were eclipsed by the facts that the registration of White voters also increased and the elected candidate that was supported by the coalition was a man who was also solidly supported by Whites. Despite these slight failures, the coalition succeeded in getting non-Whites to actively part...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Religion :: essays research papers
In 1886 the Catholic bishops of the United States published a pastoral letter entitled Economic Justice for All. There were two main reasons for this letter: first of all they wanted to illustrate an understanding of the nature and reason for economic activity from the view of the Catholic and theological thought; furthermore they also wanted to evaluate the workings of the American economy, both from a national and international point of view. As the letter states, â€Å"Every perspective on economic life that is human, moral, and Christian must be shaped be three questions: What does the economy do for people? What does the economy do to people? And how do people participate in it?†This pastoral letter symbolizes the most aspiring effort of the Catholic bishops of the United States. The bishops also put forth another aspiring effort to make the ideas and insights of people throughout the United States a reality. Even though the bishops of the United States were trying their best to make this a lasting and historical document, it unfortunately found a way to generate considerable controversy. There were critics who said that the bishops were going into an economic battlefield where they have little experience. However, this is a chance for the American people to help out and give their support to not only the bishops but the poor people too. The bishops were hoping that the Economic Justice for All will eventually have an impact, both on the political perspective and also the economic realities of the United States citizens. The Catholics in the United States hope that the social justice will set the stage for reflection and action for the future. Because of the many Catholics here in the United States the dioceses started to put forth their efforts in doing what was needed to get this program on its feet. This is what started the beginning of a new awareness of the relationship between the struggle for economic justice and the mission of th e church. Even though there were many people working hard the question still remains: When hard times start to arise will the American people create the opportunity for the poor to find a job in this economic and socialistically dominated world. If indeed the American economy is willing to accept, the pastoral can provide a powerful building block of the policies and programs which are necessary to create a society that will be for the justice for all.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Parenting skills Essay
What role do you think discipline plays in developing a child’s self-esteem? What forms of discipline best serve the self-esteem of the child or adolescent? -I think that discipline done correctly could help in a child’s self-esteem. When you discipline a child make sure that they understand WHY and it makes them feel trustworthy, and included. If you treat discipline like a dictatorship the child feels like you’re abusive and they are stupid and untrustworthy. people with low self-esteem generally Fail to achieve their goals, Are not able to pursue accomplishments in a responsible and disciplined manner, Have poor communication skills, Have a pessimistic view on life, Are prone to anxiety, depression, hostility, loneliness, shame, and guilt, Form unhealthy, destructive relationships with others, and Make decisions in life more to please others than to adhere to their own interests and value systems. List and discuss how activities, clubs, or sports, impact the s elf-esteem of children and parents. Provide at least two activities, clubs, or sports in your answer. – parents should encourage children to participate in sports and clubs that are productive and give their children a feeling of accomplishment. However, it is not always advantageous for a parent to push a child toward a particular sport or activity. For example, a boy with little skill or interest in football might play the game because of pressure from his father, just as a girl who doesn’t like cheerleading and isn’t good at it might do it because her mother was cheerleading captainâ€â€but this is unlikely to improve self-esteem.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Literary Criticism Essay
Biographical criticism begins with the simple but central insight that literature is written by actual people and that understanding an author’s life can help readers more thoroughly comprehend the work. Anyone who reads the biography of a writer quickly sees how much an author’s experience shapesâ€â€both directly and indirectlyâ€â€what he or she creates. Reading that biography will also change (and usually deepen) our response to the work. Sometimes even knowing a single important fact illuminates our reading of a poem or story. Learning, for example, that Josephine Miles was confined to a wheelchair or that Weldon Kees committed suicide at forty-one will certainly make us pay attention to certain aspects of their poems we might otherwise have missed or considered unimportant. A formalist critic might complain that we would also have noticed those things through careful textual analysis, but biographical information provided the practical assistance of underscoring subtle but important meanings in the poems. Though many literary theorists have assailed biographical criticism on philosophical grounds, the biographical approach to literature has never disappeared because of its obvious practical advantage in illuminating literary texts. It may be helpful here to make a distinction between biography and biographical criticism. Biography is, strictly speaking, a branch of history; it provides a written account of a person’s life. To establish and interpret the facts of a poet’s life, for instance, a biographer would use all the available informationâ€â€not just personal documents like letters and diaries, but also the poems for the possible light they might shed on the subject’s life. A biographical critic, however, is not concerned with recreating the record of an author’s life. Biographical criticism focuses on explicating the literary work by using the insight provided by knowledge of the author’s life. Quite often biographical critics, like Brett C. Millier in her discussion of Elizabeth Bishop’s â€Å"One Art,†will examine the drafts of a poem or story to see both how the work came into being and how it might have been changed from its autobiographical origins. A reader, however, must use biographical interpretations cautiously. Writers are notorious for revising the facts of their own lives; they often delete embarrassments and invent accomplishments while changing the details of real episodes to improve their literary impact. John Cheever, for example, frequently told reporters about his sunny, privileged youth; after the author’s death, his biographer Scott Donaldson discovered a childhood scarred by a distant mother, a failed, alcoholic father, and nagging economic uncertainty. Likewise, Cheever’s outwardly successful adulthood was plagued by alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, and family tension. The chilling facts of Cheever’s life significantly changed the way critics read his stories. The danger in a famous writer s caseâ€â€Sylvia Plath and F. Scott Fitzgerald are two modern examplesâ€â€is that the life story can overwhelm and eventually distort the work. A savvy biographical critic always remembers to base an interpretation on what is in the text itself; biographical data should amplify the meaning of the text, not drown it out with irrelevant material.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
How does Medea Essay
Usually Greek Playwrights were primarily concerned with religious issues rather than the smaller issues of social or political. However, within the Greek myths there were a series of topics that were primarily presented to challenge the audience socially and politically. In the case of Medea by Euripides it is the strong female character Medea who takes the main lead role in the play. It is possible to study the role of women in culture yet especially with a text like Medea it is evident that there is more than one culture involved. They are the culture of the actual subject, in this case Medea and the culture of the author. Euripides constructed a play by using a series of stories that had been handed down generations gone before him from the time of Medea and of course his own particular observations of women in that society around him. What Medea does by the end of the play is a very powerful statement on the role of women in Ancient Greece. From researching into the political status of women it is suggested that it was seen as acceptable that they were treated as an object of possession. The Greek legal system worked accurately if the husbands were honest and responsible. The wife herself only had legal protection if her husband was either dead or sick. Also, the non citizen wives were worse off as they had to have a citizen friend besides their own husband. In this play Medea creates a very strong and stern warning to society to not take advantage of this possibility. Many modern day critics of the play believe that this Greek view of the role of women in society was to blame for Medea’s excesses and the overall extreme she went to. If there was a good well balanced legal system then there would be no need for vengeance. Thus making Medea take the law into her own hands. A point worth mentioning is the fact that Medea is not described to the audience on her appearance instead she is greatly described on what she can do. Unlike Greek women in her society at that time, Medea does not rely it seems on such Gods and Goddesses such as Aphrodite and her charms, but instead she relies on her own potions and her incantations. Medea in her society was the priestess of Hecate who gave her lots of power both physically and socially. With having this power she had the powerful social status in which she was respected and also greatly feared. If Medea was alive today she would be considered a witch, yet this Ancient Greek woman does not fit our stereotypical idea of a witch. Instead of this view the Ancient Greek Witches were young and beautiful, during their Sabbath on looking men would be in awe and incapacitated by their beauty. During her era a Greek lady would not have to worry about the devil as such. Women who acted like witches were considered to be powerful and interesting. They would either be good or bad which was, to be expected greatly dependant on what they did with their powers. In Ancient Greek times it was much harder to live outside of your family than it is now. Back in that era as a woman you would be very dependant on your family for welfare, social security, food and your social life. Other important aspects included your legal protection and citizenship. In Medea she was the Princess in Colchis so she had all the important elements that a family provided for their child. However, she fell in love and decided to leave Colchis with Jason and took the biggest step of all, killing her own brother. This was considered and still would be considered a very powerful act against your family, which is an act in which few Ancient Greek people could identify with. This made Medea be caste out of her Greek society. The stereotypical man of Ancient Greek times wanted to fall in love with a woman who they considered to be easy to handle. Men saw women as easy to handle when they appear weak and are just strongly agreeable to the men. Yet, when they are powerful they are regarded as nightmares. Thus giving the indication that Jason would consider Medea as a nightmare as she challenges in the extreme. This stereotypical view of the perfect Ancient Greek wife who could fit easily into the men’s fantasies was a view in which Medea certainly does not fit into. There is a vast extremity in Medea, one which no man could successfully control. An American critic of the play Fredrick John Kluth quotes that â€Å"Medea does for men what they cannot do for themselves†. Thus creating a very interesting character who adds a great deal to the interests of the play. Therefore, in a sense Medea is outside of the time and does not really show a role of women in any time period. Looking closely at Ancient Greek women they usually possessed the characteristics of a nurturing and [passionate individual. Medea strove against men and stood up to them as a strong woman. This would not have been considered in the era of the Greeks, instead this rationality would have been left to the men whilst the women stood back. Medea stands as a great symbol of the intelligent woman who has no place in the social life of the Greek community. By this I mean other members of the Greek community would not wish to be caught up and eventually damaged by this woman’s great power. She provides Euripides’ complain for the actual social status that a woman has in Greek society which is likely to be more relevant to Euripides era rather than Medea’s. Therefore Medea the play acts as a social statement by the playwright himself. Euripides also attempted to explain the spiritual nature of mankind and their attitudes towards other people of their own, slightly different society.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Square proposal
Rusk's Tasting Subject: Proposal to write a research paper on the impact of business communication problems of the employer's and the employees of Square Pharmacy along with a unique vision, higher mission and a goal orientation of that company Introduction The pharmaceutical industry in Bangladesh is the most developed technical regions within our financial system. This industry manufactures almost firebrands of medicines and they follow different forms for different medicines. This sector is providing 97% of the total medicine requisite of the local market.With the aim to expand into the export market, leading pharmaceutical companies are escalating their business. Square Pharmaceuticals Limited, the flagship company of Square Group, is holding the strong leadership position in the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh since 1985 and is now on its way to becoming a high performance global player. It is a trusted name in the industry of manufacturing quality medicines for more than four decade. SQUARE today symbolizes a name – a state of mind. It has today burgeoned into one of the top line conglomerates in Bangladesh.Certain reports suggests that Square is the FIRST to manufacture and market Modernization, Inclining and Catecholamine after the expiry of patents to export antibiotics and other ethical drugs overseas. O develop sustained release technology locally. To achieve an all-time industry high record sales turnover of US$ 25 million. To locally Decisional sodium in the chemical division. In addition to these Firsts, SQUARE Pharmaceuticals Limited (SSP) was always ahead in introducing new products in the market.Their sales turnover was more than Take 1 1. 46 Billion (IIS$ 163. 71 million) with about 16. 43% market share (April 2009- March 2010) having a growth rate of about 16. 72%. The major problem they are facing is communication problem between employees and employers within Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. This problem has aroused because of not m aintaining a formal relationship between the employer and the employees. A well-managed business organization normally considers the employees as the vital foundation of efficiency gains.As it is a large organization so most of the times it has been seen that the top level employer gives orders to the lower level employees but they do not do their work and as they maintain a friendly relationship those top level managers cannot take adequate steps against them. Maintaining a friendly relationship within an organization is not a bad thing but sometimes the top level employers should behave in a formal way in order to make the employees work alongside the rules and obligations of the company's respected managers and employers.If this problem can be solved then they will give their best performance to enhance the organization. So basically we want to specialize in the communication problems regarding the employers and employees internally. Effective communication occurs only if the rec eiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. Many of the problems that occur in an organization are the direct result of people failing to communicate. Therefore, we want to figure out the main problem in maintaining the formal relationship of this company's employers and employees within the organization.We want to do an in-depth analysis in order to figure out the communication problems and to find out their rational solutions. Every organization has a unique vision, a higher mission and a goal oriented with that company. We want to know the vision, mission and goals of this pharmaceutical. 2 Research Questions Does Square Pharmaceuticals have a business communication problem? If yes, then what type of business communication problems do they have? What are the reasons behind these communication problems? What are the impacts on that organization because of those communication problems?How can these problems be solved? What are the actions t hey are taking in order to solve those problems? Is there any possibility to ever solve those communication problems? If the problem be solved, what types of benefit will the organization get? Hypothesis The following hypotheses are developed for the study:HA : Technological changes may dad to communication problems. H2O: SAP software maybe more difficult to use than unfriendly to technological changes leading to communication problems. HA: The grapevine may break the hierarchy of information flow.HA: There maybe communication problems regarding changes in compensation and benefited structure. HA: There maybe communication problems regarding performance appraisal strategies. HA: Cultural differences may also cause difficulties in non-verbal communications, causing mixed messages. HA: Leaked confidential information creates a liability issue and may causes communication problem. HA: Communication problems may occurs due to employees who fail to listen or who don't know how to activel y listen to their colleagues.HI O: Negative and indifference attitudes amongst the employers and employees creates communication problems. 3 Research Methodology For our primary data we will survey on the employer and the employees of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Through a questionnaire to find out their perception regarding this business communication problem and how it can be solved. Also we will interview one of the employers of that organization to know his/her opinion about hose problems and what actions should be taken in order to solve these matters.The secondary data of this report are collected from Square Pharmaceuticals and some other reports such as some well reputed newspapers articles; Daily Star, Dacha Tribune, then Journals and through browsing the internet. Organization Our research paper will follow the general format of a research paper with the main sections such as Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Limitations, Data Analysis, Findings/Results of the r esearch, Discussion and Conclusion, References.Hence, the organization of this paper will be directed by the research questions which would be answered in the above mentioned main sections. Timetable We intend to follow the subsequent time schedule presented in the class in order to accomplish our research paper timely: June 24 : Final draft of the research proposal August 12: Submission of the research paper Request for Approval the valuable suggestions and instructions from you that will lead us towards our research about the silent killer: business communication problems of Square Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 4
How does media affect society politically, socially, and economically Essay
Throughout history technology has evolved to provide easier forms of communication, and furthermore make people more informed. But the question is, has the evolution of media had a more positive or negative effect on society. Media affects everyone around the world and has the power to do many things to either send a good or bad message. Which is one of the main problems of media, its power. The power of media at most times is too powerful and is why media can have such a negative affect on society. But the positive view on the power of media is that is that it contributes awareness on problems that occur around the world. Media affects society politically, socially, and economically through the power people give media. Read more: Media Influences on Society Different types of Media Media comes in different forms, some we aren’t even aware is media. Examples of of different types of media are the news, social media, and even text messaging can be considered media. The news is the most dependable source of media and many believe is well trusted but many do not know that the news is very bias and sometimes even changes their stories or the â€Å"news†to make them interesting. Which is why media has the power to deceive people and not always present the truth. This is an example of how media’s power can affect society in a negative way, by filling people’s minds with false information. Social media is the most common form of media. Different forms of social media are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and publicity websites. These are not reliable sources, but have a big influence on society because many people believe that everything that is on the internet is true which is definitely not the case. Why social media has such a big effect on people it’s because of its great impressive power everyone seems to believe. If people are not interested in what they read, they will stop focusing on social media and powerful companies that have to do with publicity sites will stop making money. This is why They create false stories that attract and keep people interested. The more viewers they get the more money they will earn which is exactly what this want.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Data use in clinical and administrative decision making in health care Literature review
Data use in clinical and administrative decision making in health care ( nursing ) - Literature review Example For now, the people can benefit from health through the clinical services of the nurses and byte technologies of computer. DATA USE IN CLINICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION MAKING IN NURSING HEALTH CARE An interesting fact about nursing care is that as opposed to the popular concept, nurses do not devote more time to patient care (Westra et al, 2010, pp 336 and Ball, 2005, pp 1). In fact, nurses have been documented to spend as less as 15% of their total time taking care of the patients, and the remaining time in organizing and documenting the data that they receive (Ball, 2005, pp 1). This creates a concern for health care professionals and even nurses, since more documentation means that there is less clinical experience gained through direct contact with the patients (Ball, 2005, pp 1). The challenge does not end here. Nurses are now providing more services to the patients and the health care industry than that in the past (Ball, 2005, pp 2). They are taking on more active roles in providing care for their patietns, instead of taking a backseat to doctors and other senior health care administrators. This means that the responsibilities and challenges have also increased substantially. Patients are now benefitting from innovative nursing services such as information prescriptions (Ball, 2005, pp 2). ... terized methods have made it increasingly easier to document at a faster pace, which means that nurses are able to work more in less time and provide the highest levels of quality care to the patients (Ball, 2005, pp 1, Weber, 2010, np). It reduces the time and effort involved in communication between different personnel by providing the information within easy access, and through a proper set of guidelines and protocols (Ball, 2005, pp 1). Nurses are better able to coordinate the different activities that need to take place during a patient’s care, and create analogies and associations within it, so as to reach better decisions regarding care of the patient. This increases their efficiency in clinical areas too (Ball, 2005, pp 1). The use of technological tools in the nursing field is not a new concept. However, due to lack of skills in the area, nurses were unable to apply this system. Alongside, lack of motivation may also be one of the reasons why IT did not become an inte gral part of nursing till now. The applications of such IT systems however, have increased so much in the nursing sector that now it is even able to take up clinical decision challenges. In this regard, the literature review aims to highlight the contribution of IT sector in the various management activities of the nursing professionals. It aims to highlight how nurses can benefit through these technologies to improve their performances and clinical decisions. By understanding the advantages, the challenges as well as future applications of this technology, new researches can be carried out to improve the quality of care in nursing profession. There are many reasons why an age old process such as clinical decision making remains one of the most challenging areas in nursing practice. Many
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Public Opinion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Public Opinion - Essay Example Therefore public opinion has become a valuable aspect of governance. In this case the evolution of technology and more democratic forms of govern which has kept the upholding of the right of individual has seen a dramatic evolution in giving of information to all people. One of the recent developments in the public opinion arena has been the opinion polls that have been used to give various information or views of the public on certain issues. They have been successful use in political pundits, market researches, national government agendas, and in other areas. Sociologists have relied on opinion polls in order to determine the success or failure of an event based on the views of the public. However opinion polls and other public view are contested notion that are likely to change overnight depending on what will be happening next. (Entman and Herbst 2001, P. 242; McCombs 2004, p. 63) The development of public opinion can be traced to many years ago during the time of Greek civilization. The quest on the nature of public opinion was first expressed by Plato who was a great Greek philosopher and who made immense contribution to the modern body of knowledge. From Plato the quest for the nature of public opinion can then be traced back to Herbamans and later to Bourdieu who seemed to contest the ability to have public opinion. Let us focus on the view of Bourdieu on public opinion and why he contested the existence of public opinion. The expression of the nature of public opinion according to Bourdieu can be traced to what he wrote in his book. He asserted the "the politician who yesterday said 'God is on our side' today says 'public opinion is on our side'". (Bourdieu 1979, pg. 125) According to Bourdieu, he was criticizing the notion that political have a way of relying on the views of the public which is done solely for source of support. In this case he was trying to show that the power of the politicians if vested in the people. The public have more power and control of the political situation in a state rather than the politician. This can also be attributed to what Aristotle referred to as a weak king when he asserted that a king who lost support of the public opinion should not be regarded as a king any more. In this case it is clear that the modern understanding of democracy and the politics can be taken in a way that political power should be vested on the people and should be responsibility of the people and their opinions. But the way Bourdieu compared political power with God detest the power of the public opinion. Bourdieu views public opinion as a manufactured consent and not as a traditional ways of research that can be used to give accurate information on something. He argued that public opinion in the form that is implemented is used in survey and poll is not efficient and does not exist. In this case he showed that opinion polls are used by those in power as a political instrument that legitimize their actions. They are relations of forces and tension and therefore they cannot be described as a percentage in any way. In his criticism of the polls, Bourdieu asserts that each and every one of use has an opinion that can be given on an idea. He stressed that all the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Service-Learning or AIDS WALK Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Service-Learning or AIDS WALK Experience - Essay Example The community received students with a perspective of professionals who had a purpose. Young and old, youth and elderly, the community members, enjoyed seeing the students walk from one corner to another attending to the sick, advising, teaching and activating for a better health in the society. To the students, they had a chance to explore the community needs and wants, apply the class work to practical service to the community and employ their skills in service delivery. The participants arrived at the starting point on time and were issued with T-shirts with the writings, â€Å"AIDS is Real†and â€Å"Anyone can be a victim†. The T-shirts were issued to all the people who had already bought their tickets to participate in the walk. We all were required to pay $ 20 per person to acquire the ticket. It seemed that people had bought the tickets in plenty since the walk attracted more than two thousand people. Everyone seemed jovial to participate in the walk. This walk was aimed at sensitizing the public about AIDS and raise money to assist AIDS victims. The walk started at 10 am and lasted for four hours. We all walked through the city streets in unison and felt as though we were a community. The walk organizers provided all the participants with bottled water and energy drinks, in the course of the walk. This walk had incorporated nearly all the celebrities and other public figures. As we all walked and ran through the city, the national army band thrilled all passersby and the participants. The band played lovely songs that motivated people to continue walking. At the end of the walk, we all converged at the City Hall grounds where the partners and facilitators took us through ways on how we should treat AIDS victims and how we should relate to them. At the start of the AIDS Walk, the participants had formed opinions about the service, partners and personal abilities. Most of the participants thought that the service targeted a specific ethnic group and that it was a disease for gay people. Needless to say, other participants had a mistaken assumption that the partners should help reduce the prevalence of AIDS through the use of drugs alone. The participants also had the misconception that people should not interact with AIDS victims. This makes AIDS victims feel alienated from the society making it extremely difficult for them to open up and share AIDS opinions with the public. Moreover, the participants underestimated their abilities before the start of the walk. Walking 10 kilometers seemed impossible to many of the participants, but they were all surprised. In addition, most of the participants believed that they lacked personal attributes of relating well with AIDS victims. After the walk, all the assumptions held by the participants were proved wrong. Notably, we all gained personal skills on how to treat and relate with AIDS victims. In essence, the students who engage in service learning gain the practical skills and their contexts to provide back to the community the learned skills as services in response to any identified community concerns. The aim of Service learning is to attain equilibrium between service and goals of learning (seifer 1988). This objective fosters critical thinking and ensures there is a connection between theory and experience or practice. The facilitators and the partners noted that AIDS was not a disease for a particular ethnic group and that anyone can be a victim. They cleared the air by indicating that
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Improving Training and Development at Mersey NHS Essay
Improving Training and Development at Mersey NHS - Essay Example The paper tells that E. Wayne Hart in his ASTD presentation Developing a Coaching Culture believes that motivation and relationship management are strongly tied into coaching capabilities, stating that the goals of training as coaching are to "motivating development and improved performance; cost savings over using external coaches; self and others focused," in a manner that is "assessing, challenging and supporting". A plan for training and development and implementation will have two focuses, the first towards enhancing motivation in the workplace, and the second to increase relationships in the team dynamics. A good program can effectively empower employees by delivering both goals and a support system. This will empower employees to build relationships with one another and to build relationships with managerial staff. According to David Beswick of the University of Melbourne: †Mangers generally, and anyone formally or informally responsible for oversight of others who are e ngaged in work or learning tasks, will be aware that some people are participating more out of interest in the task than others are†. It becomes important to continue to build upon the strong personal and motivational tactics that are currently being used, and with that Mersey NHS must find greater motivational strategies to further intrinsic rewards that are not compensatory. It is also recommended that leadership members within management begin to offer greater amounts of positive motivators within their teams due to the negative responses in leadership and compensatory motivations.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Classic Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Classic Airlines - Essay Example The airline industry is an oligopoly. Oligopolies are characterized by having a limited numbers of participants in a market structure that has a medium level of price elasticity. Since there are few competitors companies tend to react to changes in prices of other airlines. The airline industry has been in a cost savings mode for several years. Since 2002 the number of people working in the airline industry has been reduced by over 150,000 workers (Plunkett Research, 2011). The revenues generated by the industry in the United States are significant. According to the USTA the airline industry in the United States generated $704.4 billion (Plunkett Research, 2011). It would be in the best interest of Classic Airlines to increase its market share in the lucrative US travel marketplace. In the past Classic Airlines made the mistake of pursuing an aggressive price discount strategy. The results of the lowering the price strategic approach were not favorable. Drastic price reductions in an oligopoly place the entire industry at risk of a price war. In a price war all the participants lose due to the fact that the profit of the entire industry goes down. Internal and External Pressures Classic Airlines is currently facing a lot of pressures from different stakeholder groups. The company has stayed profitable, but its margins are extremely thin. Last year the company generated $10 million in revenues which seems like a nice figure, but considering the firm generated $8.7 billion in sales its net margin was very low. The net margin of the company was 0.11%. The industry standard net margin in the airline industry is 2% (Dun & Bradstreet, 2011). The shareholders of the company are putting pressure on the management staff to improve the results of the corporation. Due to the weak financial performance of the company the price of the common stock of Classic Airlines has been going down. One of the objectives of any public corporation is to maximize shareholder’s wea lth. The company also faces pressures from its customer base. The customers are not very happy with the company. A metric that illustrates the current situation the company is facing is the fact that the firm’s customer loyalty program has lost 20% participation during the last year and the frequency of purchases of the customer has also gone down by over 20%. One of the primary reasons the company’s financial performance has been weak is due to the fact that the company has lost a lot of returning customers. The customer retention rate of a company is a very important marketing metric. The company lacks the service elements, operations procedures, and marketing programs to satisfy the customer’s needs. In the business world the customer is the most important stakeholder group because companies depend on the customers for its revenues. A third stakeholder group that is facing pressures due to the current situation at Classic Airlines is the employees of the comp any. The firm is currently having major employee morale problems as morale is as low as it has ever been. When employees have low morale they lose their motivation and as a consequence their performance and efficiency suffers. It is important for the managers of companies facing morale problems to demonstrate strong leadership. The low morale of the employees is negatively impacting the customer service function of the enterprise. One of the critical positions in regards to customer service is the flight attendants. Their job is to make the customer feel comfortable during the entire flight. Objectives and Obstacles of Marketing Department The objective of the marketing department
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Alternative Energy vs. Fossil Fuels Research Paper
Alternative Energy vs. Fossil Fuels - Research Paper Example Indeed, alternative energy sources provide both the environmental safety benefits and reliability of energy supply not provided by fossil fuels. Early human beings used various natural sources of energy for their activities, notably wind, solar and water. But with the Industrial Revolution came the dependence on coal as a source of energy for American factories and later adopted worldwide. According to Brazier, this dependence borrowed from the primary energy source which came about in the same period; petroleum. The European-Americans brought a new meaning to this resource which had previously been considered as a nuisance by farmers. Altogether, coal, natural gas, and oil, considered as fossil fuels from animals and plants that existed millions of years ago, which were then buried underneath the surface of the earth and due to pressure transformed into combustible materials have been largely used as fuel. The first deposits of fossil fuels were discovered in the Cambrian period. Bu t the modern world has become more aware on the non-renewable nature of these fossil fuels and the negative impact of its by-products and has hence appreciated the use of alternative sources of energy including solar, wind and water. The current debate that surrounds the use of either of these energy sources calls for elaborate evaluation so as to ensure the sustainability of the environment and continued effective industrial processes. The current generation and distribution of power in most areas have been operated on fossil fuels, popularly coal. The portability of fossil fuels makes it easy for organizations to easily store and transport the energy source when needed, be it fuel oil to be used in a furnace or coal to be used at a coal plant.Â
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Challenges in Containing Health Care Costs Essay - 1
Challenges in Containing Health Care Costs - Essay Example payments to Medicare Advantage plans will be reduced or how pharmaceutical companies will have to pay rebates to Medicaid plans, among other revenue-generating schemes (Cutler, 2010, p.1131). The question that begs to be addressed, however, is whether they will suffice. Cutler raised the feasibility of the cost reduction requirements, stressing that it is difficult to sustain (p.1131). He pointed out, for instance, how some reductions can only be made once such as how "overpayments" cannot be eliminated twice. It is clear, hence, that there is a need for an effective savings scheme that is consistent and long-term in scope. One of these is the elimination of unnecessary expenditures incurred in erroneous medical practice. According to Chiapelli (2010), medication errors, particularly in the area of patient safety issues affect 1.5 million people and incur billions of dollars in expenses (p.56). In order to treat patient infections resulting from erroneous practices, for instance, an estimated figure of $30 billion is already incurred every year (Scott 2009). Addressing this challenge, thus, can yield huge potentials in terms of savings and the realignment of resources, wherein funds are allocated to areas that need it the most. The current strategies involves variations of mandatory and voluntary regulations such as those implementing process measures, the use of information technology, attention to hygiene, along with performance measures and standards of safety in patient care. Then, there are also mechanisms in place that monitor, maintain, evaluate and improve medical practices. These include public quality reporting and performance benchmarks, including those requirements and evaluation tools in approaches such as incentives-based or pay-for-performance schemes. It is imperative that policymakers are aware of this strategy, especially the benchmarks and their results because they will effectively inform decisions that make public policy. The information
Friday, September 6, 2019
Modernism and Postmodernism in Product Design Essay Example for Free
Modernism and Postmodernism in Product Design Essay Modernism and Postmodernism are two important thought in design. The Postmodernism is evolution from the Modernism. The modern movement of the 1930s through post-modernism of the 1960s. Although that in this modern society, it is still using Modernist and Postmodernist design. Modernism and Postmodernism have their own principles and sign. In the following paragraph, I will go to identify the different between Modernism and Postmodernism in product design. And also analyze each Modernist and Postmodernist product. Firstly, the period of Modernism started in beginning of 20 century. Modernism occurred in 1930s. It influenced by Bauhaus design principles in 1919. Its founder was Walter Gropius. The inspiration come from Russian Constructrism and De Stijl and search for clear similar idea to De Stijl. There are 3 important principles; form follows function, economy of form and truth to materials. That function became the fundamental beliefs of modernism. Therefore modernist product designs are base on function. Its products are more practicality. Modernism is object too much superfluous decorate. (Mattox 1995, [Online]) It is advocate simplify, geometric, clear, neat and tiny. It usually presents the meaning in directly (Mattox 1995, [Online]) The material of modernist design is stress on good quality. Therefore all of the modernist designs take on geometric, simplify and functional (Mattox 1995, [Online]) Now I am going to talk about some modernist product. Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.37 The first of the modernist product is a lamp. It calls AJ Visor. It was designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1956. He is a modernist designer. When he established his own practice in 1930, he introduced the modernist aesthetic to Denmark (Wilhide 2000, p.37) His style is simple. This lamp looks simple. It has a metal shade and it is steeply angled. The minimalism of the stand and the stem give that look alertness and focus. (Wilhide 2000, p.37) This design based on the function, it can provide the concentrated directional lighting for reading. The metal shade like a visor, it can shield the eyes from the glare of the light. Metal is a one of the modernistic material. The base is circular and it cut out a circle in the base. It can balance the lamp to stand. (Wilhide 2000, p.36) Overall, it is poise and refinement. (Wilhide 2000, p.37) It uses the white colour and simple shape to make user feel an elegant and simple life style. Therefore it is a modernist design. Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.32 Chris Everard 2000, in Wilhide 2000, p.33 The second modernist product is a light. It calls Tube light. It was designed by Eileen Gray in 1927. She is a modernist. Her style is simple and elegant. She likes to use some new materials in her period such as tubular steel. (Wilhide 2000, p.32) This light has a long light tube. The tube supported by slim chromium plated steel frame. This kind of material is a good quality in her period. It looks simple and it no more decoration. In this design, it base on function. The only one function is for lighting. From this light, it show that Gray expect have a simple, harmonious and comfortable life. (Wilhide 2000, p.33) This light is a typical of modernist design. Barcelona, in Stimpson 1987, p.69 The third modernist product going to analyze is a table. It called Barcelona. It was designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in 1930. It designed for the Tugendhat House. (Stimpson 1987, p.69) It made of flat bar steel and it has a joint welded in X shape be the frame. It has a glass top be the surface of the table. (Stimpson 1987, p.69) It is a simple and traditional table. It shape in square and has four legs. The surface of the table is flat and square. It is a practical table. Therefore, this table proof that the modernist design is geometric, simplify and functional one more time. And also meaning modernist designer expect have a simple life style. Wassily Chair, DWR [online] The last modernist product is this chair, called Wassily Chair. It was designed by Marcel Breuer in 1925. The Breuer Wassily has few equals. However, Marcel Breuer may not be as famous as his modernist contemporaries Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, he was certainly as brilliant a furniture designer. (DWR, [online]). The first bent tubular-steel chair ever, is a case in point; all first tries should be this good. (DWR, [online]) The chair is using the daring and fresh colour to printing. That can animated character brings life to any residence or office. This is a modernist product. Secondly, Postmodernist: Decoration and appropriation, the return of narrative and content. (Postmodernism 2001, [online]) The period of Postmodernism is start at the end of 20 Century. Postmodernism is stress on the decoration and the looking. Their design is base on their feeling and what the meaning they want to present. It was also not affect by popular culture. Each Postmodernist design or product can be present each designers thought and their own culture. They like to develop some classic or modernism design to Postmodernism. (Chan 2000, [online]) Postmodernist design is not usually presents the meaning in directly. It means the meaning is not clear. The material of Postmodernist design is depending on the designer. They use everything which can be present their feeling and meaning to make the Postmodernist Product. Therefore Postmodernist design is advocate progressive, Contextual, multiple view, complexity and abstract. (Mattox 1995, [Online]) Now I am going to give some exa mple to prove my definition. Alessi SpA, in Collins 1994, p.140 The first of the postmodernist design go to discuss is a set of tea and coffee service. It call Aircraft carrier. It was designed by Hans Hollein in 1983. The whole set of tea and coffee service is made by silver. The teapot and cups is position on its carrier-shaped tray. The teapot is shaped like a plane. The idea of this tea and coffee service is from the Aircraft carrier. The cups and teapot seem like it ready to take off in the users hands. (Collins 1994, p.140) In this product, designer develops the shape of cups, teapot and the tray to unlike other tea and coffee service to achieve meaning which he wants to present. He also use the silver be the material It can present the Aircraft carrier is cool. (Collins 1994, p.140) This design is base on the designers feeling and his meaning which he wants to present. From this we can distinguish this is a postmodernist design. Alessi SpA, in Collins 1994, p.137 The second postmodernist product is a kettle. It called Bollitore. It was designed by Richard Sapper in 1983. It made by stainless-steel. It have a dome-shaped body and with a whistle in the drain of the kettle which shape like the end of a Wild West six-shooter. When the water boiling, the kettle can produce the sound of an American steam locomotive. (Collins 1994, p.136) The shape of the handle looks like the cockscomb. The idea of this kettle is come from the Wild West in American. In this kettle, designer use the Wild West six-shooter shape and the sound of American steam locomotive to achieve the meaning which he want to present. (Collins 1994, p.136) From this we also can distinguish this is a postmodernist design. Chair_one, unica home [online] The third postmodernist product is Chair_one. It was designed by Konstantin Grcic 2003. This is a brand new product. The chair_one is an exceptionally versatile indoor or outdoor seating system. (Unica home, [online]) It can use in different version such as fixed, swivel and stacking. And it made by strong aluminum, cataphoretically-treated and painted in red, white or anthracite polyester powder. (Unica home, [online]) The chair shape likes skeleton. It can present the designer meaning and feeling. Actually this chair is for the decoration more than the functionally. Thurs, this is a postmodernist design. Torso armchair and sofa, unica home [online] The final product is an armchair and sofa. It was designed by Paolo Deganello in 1982. It was a cassina collection with the series offer armchairs and sofa with steel structure, polyurethane foam and polyester padding upholstered in either fabric or leather and attached to the frame by elastic webbing. (Unica Home, [online]) The armchair can be a bed It used the bright colour to be more attractive. The customers can choose any colour of the chair. The designer wanted to present the freedom of the life. This is a postmodernist design. In my conclusion, Modernism and Postmodernism have there own principles. Under my research, I find out the main idea of Modernism is base on the function and present the meaning directly and clearly. It advocates simple design. It also objects too much decorates (Mattox 1995, [Online]). The idea of Postmodernism is base on the decoration and the looking. It advocates individual creative thinking and not present the meaning directly and clearly (Nip 2001, [online]). Overall, Modernism and Postmodernism have their own characteristic. They can let designer bring more idea. Bibliography Bicket, 1998, Modernism and Postmodernism Some Symptoms Useful Distinctions, [online], (21/05/1998 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Bicket 1998, [online]) Chan Kai Fung, 2000, The style of Postmodernism, [online], (1/10/2000 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Chan 2000, [online]) Collins, Michael, 1994, Towards Post-Modernism Design since 1851, British Museum Press, London (Collins 1994, p. ) Design within research, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: (DWR, [online]) Nip Yan Choi, 2001, Talking about Postmodernism, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Nip 2001, [online]) Postmodernism, [online], (04/2001 update), available: (10/08/2004 access date) (Postmodernism 2001, [online]) Stimpson, Miriam 1987, Modern Furniture Classics, The Architectural Press Ltd., London (Stimpson 1987, p.) Wilhide, Elizabeth 2000, Living With Modern Classics, The Light, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York (Wilhide 2000, p.) Unica Home, [online], (10/08/2004 update), available: catalog/item.asp?id=12972 (10/08/2004 access date)
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