Saturday, August 31, 2019
Chimerism in Humans
Chimera according to the genome glossary is an organism which possesses cells or tissues with a different genotype. This can be caused due to mutated cells of the host organism or cells from a different organism or species. According to Greek mythology, the original â€Å"Chimera†(pronounced as kih-MEE-ra, and the adjective form â€Å"chimerical†pronounced as kih-MER-ih-cal) was a fire-breathing female monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the hindquarters of a dragon. The terrifying Chimera may have merely been a product of a substandard family environment  her father was the giant Typhon, her mother the half-serpent Echidna. Her siblings were the Cerebrus (the three-headed hound who eventually found work guarding the gates of Hell), Hydra (a nine-headed aquatic monster) and Orthrus (the runt of the litter, a prosaic two-headed dog). As per the mythology, Chimera pounced around making everyone wretched until one day a man named Bellerophon, riding on the winged horse Pegasus slays her. [Author unknown, Chimera, 2004] Though believed to be a mythological epic, it was found that cases of Chimera were actually prevalent in humans when certain intriguing criminal cases erupted. One such case was when a woman has been raped by a man and the women claimed a particular person to be the culprit. However, the crime justice authorities had found it difficult to convict the suspect. It so happened that the DNA taken from his blood sample did not match the DNA of the suspect. However, extensive investigation and the victim’s statements revealed it to be same person being responsible for the crime. When another series of DNA tests were taken from the suspect, this time from his hair sample it was found that the DNA sample perfectly matched. This revealed a breathtaking phenomenon among human genome which has resulted in various problems in the criminal justice system. Those people who have two types of DNA in their body are called chimeras after the mythological creature with a head of lion, body of a goat and a tail of a serpent. These people are sometimes also referred to as mosaics. It has found that these people have two different types of DNA in various parts of their body. Though a rare occurrence, this could have been due to various reasons. [Vladar, 2004] One of the common reasons is that chimeras are formed if developing fraternal twin embryos join together to become one embryo. This is something which is completely opposite of identical twins who are formed when a single embryo splits into two. This occurrence takes place in the very early stages of the embryo development i.e. when it is still in the form of unspecialized cells, so when it develops the baby that is born is healthy but with two types of DNAs. It is also found that fraternal twins don’t have same set of DNA, however, they the two fraternal twin embryos fuse together it results in chimera. Another reason for chimeras to form is when developing fraternal twin share the same blood supply. This usually happens when the twins with different DNA share a placenta in the mother’s womb and cells from their blood mix together. This results in the twins being chimeras based on only their blood as other cells are not affected by the blood supply. Chimeras are also formed through some mistakes or mutations taking place in the division of the cells in the development embryo. This mainly takes place when the cells split into two so that they are able to be formed into more of themselves for the growth of the embryo. It also results in the the doubling up of the DNA by the cells which gets divided between the two new halves. During this process, if something goes wrong, then some new cells result in having different DNA. If this happens in the early stages of the development, then the tissues which are developed from the cells will have different genotype. It is difficult to gauge the exact number of chimeras in the world. We are able to find out whether a person is a chimera or not only when his / her DNA is analysed. This causes varied problems with regards to solving of crime cases and also results in complication with regards to donation of organs. In recent years, exciting results have been found out that a section of genetically incompatible cells may contribute to conditions like infertility, autism and Alzheimer's disease. [Migliore, L et al, 1999] Human chimeraism came into being with advent of blood typing and it was found that some people had more than two types of blood group. Most of the cases of chimeraism are the blood chimeraism i.e. non-identical twins sharing a blood supply in the womb. Twin embryos often share a blood supply in the placenta, allowing blood stem cells to pass from one embryo and settle in the bone marrow of the other, seeding a lasting source of blood. As a result, almost 8% of non-identical twin pairs have chimeric blood. [van Dijk, B A; Boomsma, D I and de Man, A J M, 1996] Apart from those who have chimera due to different blood types, there are even larger numbers of people who have this phenomenon due to carrying smaller numbers of different blood cells that may have passed through the mother and the fetus across the placenta or persist from a blood transfusion. It has also been analysed that the presence of some foreign white blood cells might be the cause for autoimmune diseases wherein the immune system affects the body’s own tissues. [Nelson, J L, 2002] True chimeras are usually identified when they possess male and female cells resulting in the formation of hermaphrodites or any related problem in the person’s sexual organs and their chromosomal sex is identified by their blood test. So the real number of chimeras and mosaics are much more than those that have been identified till date. Unless and until a chimera comes forward to get his blood sampled or has been convicted for a crime, it wouldn’t be possible to know whether he actually is a chimera. This has resulted in further complication in solving some crime justice cases. It has been also analyzed that with the increase in in-vitro fertilization (IVF), there has an increase in the cases of chimeras. To avoid infertility among women, IVF has been quite common in the present day scenario. In this process, two or more embryos are placed in a woman’s uterus so there is an increased success rate. This results in 25% more cases of twin pregnancies than expected. With the increased number of twins, there is likelihood of more cases of chimeras. This was proved by Bonthron who found out that the British hermaphrodite boy who was a chimera was formed by IVF. Strain, L; Dean, J C S; Hamilton, M P R and Bonthron, D T – 1998] According to various tests undertaken along with ultrasound examinations performed on the mother who was carrying the single fetus, the baby that was born had a normal right testis and a semi-developed left testis. An operation was conducted when the child was 15 months old and the surgeons removed â€Å"an abnormal gonad and vas deferens.†Pathology studies later exposed that these were actually an ovary with a fallopian tube attached. Studies revealed that the child's chromosomes had both female (XX) and male (XY) cell lines. This was explained to be that the child was an exceptional case of a true chimera which was a mixture of two embryos from separately fertilized eggs. The other likelihood was that two different sperm had unusually developed into a single mature egg before cell division had taken place. To distinguish between these possibilities, the researchers analyzed DNA near the centromeres of the child's chromosomes, which are involved in cell division. [Author unknown, DNA puzzle of mother ‘made of two women', 2004] Apart from this, the study conducted also revealed that chimerism can occur naturally, resulting in children with vague genitalia, however published data on the phenomenon is very restricted and many XX/XY children may go unnoticed. Even so, the fact that chimerism occurred in a child born following in vitro fertilization should be taken seriously. [Author unknown, 2004 In Vitro Fertilization Results In Chimera, 2004] Considering these above points, it is becoming more and more difficult for the crime justice system to analyze the crime due to the increase in the cases of chimeraism and mosaicism which in turn is increasing with the increase in in-vitro fertilization. The criminals are able to move about freely as their blood samples usually differ from their other DNA samples taken from different parts of the body. It is also becoming difficult for the crime justice system as well as the medical system to analyze the exact number of chimeras as it is very difficult with the increase in mutations.
Friday, August 30, 2019
A&P- Critical Analysis
I have chosen to write about the short story â€Å"A&P. †The story takes place in 1961 in a small town of New England, which has a small grocery store named A&P grocery store. The town contains very less population. From the setting, I came to a conclusion that the town was a very low maintenance town where everybody knows everybody (very tight community) with mostly old school beliefs and structures (religious beliefs, dress code, ethical values, morals). The town was visited by tourists for a very short period of time, who come to live for a while and can be said that they disturb with their own outside culture. The main character Sammy is nineteen, works or was working as we can say after the story, as a checker or observer at the local A&P store. (Alexadrov and Petrooshki Tea Company) The life of Sammy changes suddenly as one day three scantily clad young women enter the grocery store to buy some eateries. The women were wearing swim suits as they were coming from the beach, which was across the store. At this time, Sammy introduces his co cashier â€Å"Stokesie†, who was married and had two children. Because of attire of the trio women, everybody stared at them as they were contrast to the interiors of the store. Sammy being overwhelmed by seeing the trio women in the store, he even watches the expressions of the customers as they lay their eyes on women, which is being a guy/man and living in sort of a small town myself and you know all the girls . They are either taken or you just are not interested in them. Sammy tells everyone was overwhelmed seeing them because they were different as they were not seen before by anyone in the town. As said â€Å"everyone knows everyone†, the women were not familiar in town and this made everyone to attract themselves to women. This made to build a thought of â€Å"Wow, I have got to talk to her. Sammy thought only he has a chance to talk with them as Stokesie’s is married, with two children already. Even though Stokesie’s is married, Sammy tells even he was thinking of marrying those women knowing nothing about them. During last section of the story, Sammy quits his job over the women who came to the store. The reason he decided to quit can be understood as Sammy wanted to represent his manliness and bravery to the women. Sammy could not tolerate the way his superior was trying to confront the young ladies on what they were wearing in this time and a place of small town, which was embarrassing for those women to flaunt. The trio women were said to pay and leave quickly by the manager, which was the moment at which Sammy immediately thought of leaving the job without any second thought of what he was doing and what were the circumstances he has to face in near future. The action of Sammy can be explained as bravery, to attract the women by leaving his job for them, to stand up to his superior, risk his job, and also making a scene (which was not required). The only thing Sammy expected from the women was hell of a first impression. Author failed to explain any past experiences at the store that might have led Sammy to think of leaving the job. Assumptions like Sammy might have been fed up with his work and thought this moment as a chance to quit the job and look tough and manly, also attracting the queen of the group and the group of women themselves. Sammy wished to go out with the women but the story tells that he never looked back which was a very stupid action because, he could not meet the women if he was not looking back at the women and the whole thing done for them was going waste. In my view, it was very unreasonable to quit the job that too in a state of never getting it back just for the sake of couple of girls was very unreasonable and unnecessary as the story tells that Sammy had to look after his parents. If I was Sammy, I don’t care how awful the job was as I had to take care of my family, and help them financially. I did not cared about the women, besides how much beautiful and attractive the women were. I would have not argued and left the work in a state of getting it back impossibly just for proving something to the opposite sex. As the place was very small, even the opportunities of employment I think would be very difficult and if Sammy leaves his job for the silly reasons explained, the total life of Sammy would be in trouble along with their family and their financial status. I chose this story for the fact that the story imposes the mistake most of the people do in their life just by taking unreasonable decisions which don’t have any advantages but affects the life of the individual and sometimes their related people very badly. The mistakes can be categorized into unfortunate mistakes, but their effect shown in very near future. The mistakes done make us deny how one event leads to another and also shows the carelessness out actions are while doing things. The story ends by making Sammy realise of how his life will change after his unreasonable decisions taken with no thought imposed on the decisions. The story tells a moral that â€Å"the decisions taken with stupid reasons may not have immediate results but will have huge effect on life in near future†. The moral is very near to the butterfly effect, which explains that hurricanes are in even possible far away from where the butterfly flaps its wings.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Kennewick Man Controversy
An Exploration of the Kennewick Man ControversyThe Kennewick Man contention is one of the most good known federal tribunal instances covering with NAGPRA and Anthropological research. The instance is influential for Native Americans, Anthropologists, Archaeologists, and federal jurisprudence shapers likewise. Though it lasted many old ages and endured a really rough route, the Kennewick Man instance will function as a great illustration and larning tool to anthropologists of today, tomorrow, and old ages to come. Kennewick Man has a great significance to anthropology and archeology for assorted grounds. It is possibly the most influential illustration of how the NAGPRA Torahs affect anthropologists and the complications that can come with the deficiency of lucidity in those Torahs. Kennewick Man besides has influenced anthropology by being one of the oldest and most complete human skeletal remains found in North America, which led to new information on beginning due to his skull morphology. â€Å"As one of the best-preserved New World skeletons of the period, the Kennewick specimen has the possible to lend greatly to this treatment, but it may be reburied before scientists can analyze it further†( Slayman, hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . The true significance of the Kennewick adult male can non yet be to the full explained because all of the scientific findings have yet to be concluded. We can merely trust that the hereafter research will ensue in the anthropolo gy detecting more replies that can take us to greater in-depth cognition of who we are, how we got here and how humanity originated. Kennewick adult male can decidedly be considered an ethical argument, when looking at the procedure from both a Native American ‘s spiritual and cultural position, every bit good as from an anthropological and scientific position. The ethical argument from the position of the Northwest Indian tribes to claim the remains is that harmonizing to their apprehension of NAGPRA jurisprudence they had â€Å"cultural affiliation†to the Kennewick Man, doing those folks responsible for the traditional religious and cultural attention of those remains – and moreover going their belongings. Vine Deloria, Jr. , a professor from the University of Colorado and Standing Rock Sioux native writes on the topic, siding with Native Americans saying that â€Å"Archaeology has ever been dominated by those who wave â€Å"science†in forepart of us like an unlimited recognition card, and we have deferred to them – believing that they represent the subject in an nonsubjective and indifferent mode. Yet the find of a skeleton in the Colombia River†¦ led to an overly baffled lawsuit..and a spade of claims by bookmans that this skeleton could rewrite the history of the Western Hemisphere.†( Thomas, Page xviii ) . Because of their ethical standing, the scientific justification is non needfully an of import statement for US Anthropologists to maintain the remains. The whole logical thinking behind the NAGPRA Torahs should hold, in their sentiment, given them all rights to the remains – which would hold in bend prevented the remains from being studied further. When sing this as an ethical argument through an anthropological position, it comes down to the scientific importance of being able to analyze the remains. â€Å"Archaeologist Rob Bonnichsen was quoted as stating: ‘There ‘s a whole book of information [ in Kennewick Man ‘s castanetss ] . To set him back in the land is like firing a rare book so we ‘ll larn nil. . . .It seems to be the instance that there is a major attempt to barricade scientific enquiry into the survey of American beginnings ‘ ( O'Hagan, 1998: 8 ) .†( Watkins, Page 13 ) The consequences of farther researching the Kennewick Man would do it possible to obtain replies that would profit non merely the Native Americans of North America, but humanity as a whole. Anthropology is in kernel the holistic survey of world, and utilizing the well preserved pieces of our yesteryear such as the Kennewick adult male, can most decidedly caducous new visible radiation on origin theories and lead to finds of our yesteryear. NAGPRA is the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act, is a jurisprudence which was passed by the federal authorities in 1990 to supply â€Å"a procedure for museums and Federal bureaus to return certain Native American cultural points  human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony – to lineal posterities, culturally attached Indian folk, and Native Hawaiian organizations.†( ) . NAGPRA states that these cultural points will be repatriated to the Native Americans if they can turn out cultural association to the points in inquiry. â€Å"Cultural association is established when the preponderance of the grounds  based on geographical, affinity, biological, archaeological, lingual, folklore, unwritten tradition, historical grounds, or other information or adept sentiment  moderately leads to such a conclusion.†( hypertext transfer protocol: // tural_Affiliation.pdf ) In order to try at clear uping the finding of cultural association, certain guidelines have been set in topographic point. â€Å"All of the undermentioned demands must be met to find cultural association between a contemporary Indian folk or Native Hawaiian organisation and the human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, or objects of cultural patrimony of an earlier group: ( 1 ) Being of an identifiable contemporary Indian folk or Native Hawaiian organisation with standing under these ordinances and the Act ; and ( 2 ) Evidence of the being of an identifiable earlier group. Support for this demand may include, but is non needfully limited to grounds sufficient to: ( I ) Establish the individuality and cultural features of the earlier group, ( two ) Document distinguishable forms of material civilization industry and distribution methods for the earlier group, or ( three ) Establish the being of the earlier group as a biologically distinguishable population ; and ( 3 ) Evidence of the being of a shared group individuality that can be moderately traced between the contemporary Indian folk or Native Hawaiian organisation and the earlier group. Evidence to back up this demand must set up that a contemporary Indian folk or Native Hawaiian organisation has been identified from prehistoric or historic times to the present as falling from the earlier group.†( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In the Kennewick Man contention, The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers was responsible for the land on which the Kennewick Man was found, ab initio doing him the belongings of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. They had chosen to let anthropologists to analyze the remains to seek and bring out some replies in the enigma of the Kennewick Man. After through NAGPRA, the remains were ordered to be returned to the local Native Americans, the Scientists and Army Corps decided to seek and prosecute an entreaty with NAGPRA. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers where shortly after involved in a Federal tribunal instance to find to whom the remains should belong. Since the Kennewick Man was discovered on their belongings, the remains became that federal bureau ‘s duty. After the concluding opinion, it was ordered that the Kennewick adult male stay belongings of the Army Corps. The Kennewick argument involved a US Federal Court instance between the Northwest Native American folk ( the Umatilla, Yakama, Nez Perce, Wanapum and Colville ) who laid claim over the Kennewick Mans remains, and the US Army Corps of Engineers ‘ Scientists who were responsible for the remains because they were discovered on their belongings. The archeologists and physical anthropologists analyzing the remains argued that the significant significance of the remains could assist reply many inquiries of human in-migration into North America. These scientists were the complainant in the instance. After farther survey of the remains the Department of the Interior and National Park Service, in cooperation with the Corps of Engineers were able to happen concluding to confute exact cultural association with the Native America Tribes, saying that NAGPRA Torahs did non use to the Kennewick Man ‘s instance. The Anthropologists want to further analyze the remains because they are one of the oldest, most good preserved and complete homo remains of all time to be found in the Western Hemisphere. By analyzing the castanetss, we could happen replies to when and how worlds foremost entered North America, every bit good as information about the Kennewick Man ‘s decease, civilization and life style. The Native American folks did non desire him studied because if he were culturally affiliated with the folks, they would be responsible for guaranting the Kennewick Man ‘s proper entombment. Defacing or analyzing the remains would be against their spiritual, religious and cultural beliefs. The Plaintiff Scientists in the instance were comprised of eight anthropologists and archaeologists brought together for the right to analyze the remains and halt repatriation. â€Å"The eight complainants in Bonnichsen v. United States included five physical anthropologists ( C. Loring Brace, Richard Jantz, Douglas Owsley, George Gill, and D. Gentry Steele ) and three archaeologists ( Robson Bonnichsen, Dennis J. Stanford, and C. Vance Haynes Jr. ) . Owsley and Stanford were at the Smithsonian Institution and the others held university positions.â€Å" ( Oldham, ) The suspect party consisted of the five Native American folks claiming cultural association to the remains and advancing the repatriation of the Kennewick adult male. The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers were in charge of the remains, and along with the Department of the Interior and National Park Service furthered the surveies to find the beginning of the Kennewick Man ‘s lineage and line of descent for proper association. The Kennewick Man instance was eventually concluded, and the opinion was in favour of the complainant scientists. â€Å"The scientific community should be allowed to analyze the 9,000-year- old human castanetss known as Kennewick Man, a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel ruled †¦ rejecting an entreaty by several folks claiming affinity and seeking to rebury the remains†¦ The three-judge panel, with an sentiment written by Judge Ronald Gould, upheld a District Court determination that the folks have shown no direct affinity to the remains and have no such authority.†( Paulson, ) Today the remains of the controversial Kennewick Man reside in the Burke Museum at the University of Washington, where scientists continue to analyze the remains. The opinion and scientific surveies proved that the line of descent of the Kennewick adult male was more Caucasic than Native American, hence dissociating him with Native American association and taking him from NAGPRA ordinances. In the controversial instance affecting the Kennewick Man, I am pleased with the result. I side with the scientists, admiting the significance of analyzing the Kennewick Man ‘s remains. Because the Kennewick Man was proven to be non of Native American line of descent, it seems inarguable that the instance be removed from under NAGPRA Torahs. The possible replies that can come from the future surveies of the Kennewick Man are so huge that I can merely wait with exhilaration for consequences to come from these surveies. With Archaeology and Anthropology technologically progressing more and more every twenty-four hours, it is a great unmeasurable triumph for scientific discipline to be able to dispute and win such an influential instance as this one.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Education and Organizational change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Education and Organizational change - Essay Example The current demands in the labor market require a decisive approach. The changes in the labor market necessitate proportional alternations in the education systems and curriculum1. The process of measuring the educational disparities must take into consideration the socio-economic implications and the needs of the labor market. Productive employment calls for investment in human resources and the requisite competences. This calls for educational system change. This can be attributed the central role that education plays in social equity and economic productivity. Increasing the number of schooling years is perceived to be one of the strategies of ensuring that education grows to meet the changing demands of the labor markets. The education system has been blamed for being discriminatory. Children from poor background have minimal access to education. This makes the labor market a preserve of the wealthy in the society. The inequalities in the education system have had a negative impa ct on the poor in the developed and developing countries. Access to training skills and improving access to early childhood have a profound effect of the learning in the schools and job market2. This has also led to the evolution of wage gaps and stratification of the society based on the economic well being. The labor market is keen to have qualified personnel while to education system is ready to offer quality education at expensive fees. The current labor market is segmented along low and high education levels. This has also created an exclusive club of the highly paid with multiple benefits against the lowly paid with minimal benefits. Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Labor market and human capital Addressing education is a complex affair. It must address the various levels of education and the necessary changes at each level. There is an insufficiency in terms of supply for the qualified or specialized personnel. Most of the trained young workers tend to lack the competencies t hat accompany their workplace job prescriptions. Employers blame the education systems from producing half-baked graduates. There is an urgent need to drastically change the education system of the public sector in order to improve quality. This can inject a level of equality into the education system and introduce the expected changes into the labor market. Organizations believe that productivity is closely related to the quality of employees and competencies3. The needs and the standards of the labor market have been growing and evolving over the decades. This has been attributed to the emerging wave of globalization and technological turbulence over the years. However, the education system has remained unchanged and unresponsive to the changing demands of the labor market. The tertiary education and post-secondary systems have need been customized to meet the expectation of the labor markets4. This has affected organizational performance and the national productivity in many econ omies. Universities are basing education on commercial rather that competence ideologies5. This has caused a reduction of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Compare and Contrast three separate and distinct linux vendors of Essay
Compare and Contrast three separate and distinct linux vendors of workstation and server - Essay Example The cost of availability and after-sales support of the three vendors will also be analyzed. Most importantly, any hidden charges or licensing fees as required for subscription of Microsoft applications will also be reviewed. Finally, a recommendation in choosing Linux and the reasons behind preferring Linux over Microsoft will also be provided. Moreover, the feasibility in using Linux workstation and servers will be analyzed which will provide the key benefits that can be experienced by the enterprises. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Table of Contents 3 3 Introduction 4 Thesis Statement 5 Red Hat Enterprise Workstation 5 Red Hat Enterprise Server 9 SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation 11 SUSE Enterprise Server 15 Oracle Linux Workstation/Server 18 Conclusion 21 References 22 25 Introduction Organizations around the world are looking for better alternatives to Microsoft due to the introduction of one of the most controversial licensing agreements in May, 2001. The licensing progr am was introduced to promote the rights and to ensure maintenance of software which was named Software Assurance (SA). The experience Microsoft had after the development of this licensing program made them stall the releases of other licensing programs subsequently. The variance nature of modern day industries did not accept the new program thereby, making the company to modify the program (BetaNews Inc, 2012). Business organizations typically are different from consumers which brought software without signing any contract. However, organizations required to enter into a multi-year volume licensing contracts. Prior to the release of this agreement, existing customers were provided a discount while upgrading their software based on their contract. However, new customers had to pay full price for the software intended to buy. With the introduction of SA, the customers had to pay Microsoft 29% of the full license price each year for upgrading desktop software and 25% for server softwar e. Furthermore, customers were required to buy the upgrade rights at the same time while purchasing the new software, before they actually needed it (BetaNews Inc, 2012). Thus, business organizations were facing lots of hardships with the new licensing agreement and therefore, started looking for better alternatives. In this regards, Linux is one of the most preferred options due to certain advantages possessed over Microsoft. For instance, Linux is an open source and free software which provided customers the opportunity to develop the visualization mechanisms to enhance the performances. Furthermore, Microsoft consumers who did not posses volume licensing agreement were not allowed to install software in virtual machines running on the same organizations. However, with Linux, users can deploy purchased software to multiple machines with no additional cost (Gabriel Consulting Group Inc, 2009). Thesis Statement The study will provide a contrasting analysis of Linux vendors, namely, Red Hat, SUSE and Oracle software on the basis of reliability, performance, application, support and training, availability and cost of ownership. Moreover, the study will define the best distribution of workstation and server of Linux among its vendors. Red Hat Enterprise Workstation Reliability Red Hat Enterprise assures users to provide the best in class applications
Discuss your most significnt cdemic or personl chievement Essay
Discuss your most significnt cdemic or personl chievement - Essay Example I succeeded to mintin multi-tsk ctivity nd m especilly proud to hve 4.00 grde point verge tht ultimtely llowed me to grdute s sluttorin. I hve lwys enjoyed school nd clsses nd tried to tke s much s it ws possible from every single lesson. I m n ctive student on clsses; I lwys tke n inititive when it comes to nswering techer's questions on regulr clsses or helping other students to keep up with some subjects. Besides cdemic excellence, I try to succeed in the theter production tht occupies the min prt of my extr-curriculr ctivities. I m currently plying led in "You're good mn Chrlie Brown". This role tkes lot of efforts, but I do like plying. My school, prt-time job nd service job leve little time to lern the scenrio tht is why I hve to be relly efficient if I wnt to succeed in the ply nd to mintin my led position. I m therefore continuously performing under strict dedlines nd cn be esily given to stress. However, I mnge my time nd ll tsks ccording to set priority nd time of delivery. In my thetricl performnce it is lso worth mentioning Sn Frncisco By re productions where I prticipted since the ge of three. I hve therefore completed over fifty productions. My chievements in theter lso include three rewrds for the best cting in dult legitimte theter. I hve been the Grnd Chmpion in vocls for the Stte of Cliforni during five yers: 2001, 2002, 2003 2004 nd 2006. Not only m I involved with cdemic nd extr curriculr ctivitie... In ddition to my employment I lso continue to volunteer for community service. I ssist in kindergrten clss every Wednesdy. I hve tied shoes; put on nme tgs, sng songs nd helped the children mke pple muffins. I help the techer with lessons, rt projects, supervising during "ply time," testing nd mny other spects of the creer I hope to hve one dy. It is the most rewrding experience t this pointing in my life. I love children. Wtching them grow nd lern is one of my gretest joys. I hve to sy tht from this wide rnge of experiences I hve gined brod bckground of life. I enjoy working with nd for people. I hve lerned from helping students to keep up with some subjects how to explin things in severl different wys nd not to give up until the student truly understnds the mteril. Multi-tsk ctivity helps me to lern to work under the strict dedlines nd to pprecite the time vlue. fter grdution I hope to become n (nme the position tht Morgn would like to hve). I m committed to this gol s is evident by my record of cdemic ccomplishments nd community service. I m convinced tht ll these fctors mke me good cndidte for the honors progrm.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Site Visit Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Site Visit Report - Coursework Example The mosaics and marbles used in the building are representative of the different religions that ruled it. The changes that took place by different religions are reflective of the changing political situation of Turkey. Mosaics from different religions have been uncovered in the building. Many mosaics were covered by plaster since Muslims disliked representational form of architecture. There is a lot of Islamic calligraphy all over the dome. The Christian mosaics that have been uncovered show Christian scenes. The mosaics leave an impact on the visitor due to their details and fine workmanship. The building has a diameter of over 30 meters. It has a square format and a huge dome with spaces through which light streams in. Minarets and buttresses are present as well. Muslims prefer non-representational forms of architecture and so a lot of mosaics were destroyed (Mosaic Art Source Blog). The remaining ones are depictive of religious and royal pictures such as the one where Virgin Mary is being accompanied by Justinian and Constantine. Looking at the museum was a breath-taking experience for me. I was captivated by the mosaics. The thing that had the most impact on me was how both Christianity and Islam have come together under one roof in a world where religious extremism is rampant. It was built by Justinian in 532. It is named Basilica Cisterns because of it is located on an ancient Basilica, and is also known as Yerebatan Sarayi. The main purpose of constructing the building was to supply water for the Byzantine Palace. It has 336 columns, most of which are Corinthian or Doric style (Atlas Obscura). The building is located near the Byzantine Palace. It was built to overcome any water shortages for the people living in the Palace. To some degree, this tells us of how the rulers ensured that they lived a comfortable and luxurious life. There are two heads of medusa placed on
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Ethics and Diversity in Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics and Diversity in Policing - Essay Example e ethical rules related to his/ her job, as these rules are incorporated into the relevant code of conduct, b) non-controllable factors; shooting a civilian by accident while participating in an operation against a burglary can be an example of such case, c) personal factors, such as consumption of alcohol while in-duty and d) failure in evaluating a case appropriately (U.S. Department of Justice 2007, p.22). The above problem could be effectively faced through the following measures: a) training programs focusing on the codes of conduct and ethics should be introduced in each police department, b) a phone-line operating 24hrs/7 could be established for supporting police officers when performing their job, c) in each police station a control mechanism would be created for checking the cases of misconduct of police officers. Among the rules including in the police codes of conduct there are certain that are quite difficult, either because of the conditions of work, such as those focusing on the behavior of police officers working within prisons, or because of the police sub-culture, such as those regulating the duties of police officers working in departments controlling police corruption. McCall, D. (2011) â€Å"Ethical and Effective Policing.†US Department of State, Vol 15, No 10, pp.1-28. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Justice (2007) â€Å"Building Trust Between the Police and the Citizens They Serve.†Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, pp.1-132. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Justice (2000). â€Å"Laws enforced by the Department of Justice in maintaining integrity for federal officers.†Organizational Report, pp. Retrieved from The police sub-culture is characterized by certain ethical issues, such as: a) a police officer has ‘to control the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Pulte Homes, Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pulte Homes, Inc - Essay Example A desirable work atmosphere would contribute much to develop the creativity of the employees and they will be exited to develop and implement new strategies for the success of Pulte Homes. It is true that a system where the superiors exert unnecessary pressure on their subordinate will struggle for success and the people occupying such position should not trouble their assistants and it is desirable for the managers to appreciate the productive efforts of their subordinates and they should ensure that a rivalry is not generated among their workers. An unhealthy environment may some times constitute a situation where an employee is embarrassed to mention the name of the firm which he is working for. A favorable environment facilitates better communication and provision for exchange of thoughts among the team members which would motivate them to work for their company’s improvement and the result would be entirely different from that of a pressurized work. Hard punishments for m istakes would destroy the creativity of an individual and staff members should be supported to learn from their mistakes because, even an average performer could become the best in the next season if he is provided with better support and motivation. All these factors indicate the necessity of a healthy organizational culture in order to develop an empire beyond the seas for Pulte Homes. Management and leadership One could find a number of definitions for these two concepts as a result of the attempts made by so many experts to distinguish between them. Leadership sets a new goal or a vision for a group of followers headed by the leader himself, while management directs workers according to the established policies of a firm. As Fayol (1916), Daft (2003) and Griffin (2005) state, â€Å"Management is a set of activities including planning, organizing, leading, controlling and decision making, directed at an organization’s resources like human, financial, physical, and informa tion sources with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner†(Quoted in Vuskane, 2010. p.3). Managers therefore utilize the powers vested on them in order to arrive at the pre planned goals and the subordinates obey the instructions of their superiors to obtain the agreed remuneration. Studies have showed that managers generally possess stable families and lead a comfortable life and a resulting risk averting nature is observed among them. A leader, on the other hand, inspires others to follow him. Gardner (1986) had made an attempt to define leadership and according to him â€Å"leadership is the process of persuasion and example by which an individual (or team) induces a group to take action that is in accord with the leaders purposes or the shared purposes of all†(Rost, 1993, p.72). Leaders are always having consideration to others and most of them possess a charismatic style. Even though they give credits to others, leaders neve r turn to be friendly and often keep a distance with them. Gradual development of a firm could be observed if individuals occupying superior positions in business establishments possess both these qualities. Managers possess subordinates while the other has followers and in the present scenario managers are considered as
Friday, August 23, 2019
Devolution - British Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Devolution - British Government - Essay Example Devolution is operated in United Kingdom in the very same manner i.e. the power and decision making authorities of its Parliament are transferred to the three main states of Scottish parliament, the National Assembly for Wales and the Northern Ireland Assembly. This came into being after a series of issues that started arising in early 1970s in the United Kingdom (Britannica n.d.). The people of Scotland and Wales demanded a separate parliament to run their states and policies. Therefore, a referendum was held by the Labour Party government and parties of Scotland and Wales i.e. Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru, respectively (Britannica n.d.). Initially, this referendum was rejected but during 1980s and 1990s its need was aroused once more. And finally, the Labour government of Tony Blair proposed a devolution scheme in 1998 which offered the following authorities to both Scotland and Wales: A Scottish Parliament that will have hold on setting its own rules and policies and ta xation rates (Britannica n.d.). ... (HM Government 2013). was approved by both and hence both Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly came into being in 1999. Moreover, Northern Ireland Parliament was also implemented later on. In this way, the present states of Scotland, Wales and rest of United Kingdom shows granting of real â€Å"say over their own affairs†after this devolution (BBC 1998). This enables them to run their local affairs more effectively within strong Britain government. The effect of devolution on Scotland and rest of United Kingdom can be well explained by examining its consequences and relation of Scotland and United Kingdom after the devolution act. The devolution assigns certain reserved provisions which can only be administered by UK government. They are â€Å"U.K. Constitution, foreign policy, national security, fiscal policy, international trade policy, nuclear safety, social security, employment policy and health policy (Young 2001)†. Similarly, it assigns several devolved provisi ons which can only be administered by Scottish Parliament. They are â€Å"education, local government, housing, tourism, civil and criminal law, emergency services, economic development, agriculture, and sports (Young 2001)†. According to HM Government (n.d.), the state of United Kingdom provides devolution in such a way that the Scottish parliament is authorized to take charge and control its policy, health and educational needs. It grants full freedom to Scotland to devolve their policies reflecting their preferences (Devolution n.d.). In addition to this, devolution also provides mutual decision making in which Scottish Parliament and UK government makes decision by full collaboration. This results in better welfare of the people and society. It helps in providing
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Extinction Essay Example for Free
Extinction Essay Extinction is a natural selection process. Should humans strive to preserve a representative sample of all biomes or aquatic zones? I personally believe that we are already preserving when it comes to wondering if we are going to become extincted. We as human have a hard time not reproducing, this meaning most humans that become married usually begin having children within the first 5 years of their marriage if they haven’t married and already have children. This being said we may not leave an carbon copy of ourselves but we are leaving genies that we carry as well as tradition and legacies that we uphold. We has humans don’t understand the importance of preserving things, we are so focused on who has more than the other or who is worth more than the other that it never dawns on us that one day humans can be a thing of the past. Looking at the most important things of life now with is preserving and growth of things we are currently involved in. Keeping the world a better place to live in so that we are in a good environment to continue preserving the things we need. Why should humans be concerned with the extinction rate? We should be concerned with the extinction and try and preserve the biomes and ecosystems that are present. Over time the ecosystem and biomes have evolved changed in some form or fashion that will leave us in difference from this particular time now. It’s important to have something to be able to look back on for information and or instructions on how to change things that we as human may make a mistake and mess up.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Explain the Principal Sociological Perspectives Essay Example for Free
Explain the Principal Sociological Perspectives Essay The functionalist approach in regard to health and ill health came from Talcott Parsons. Talcott Parsons urged that people must be health for the society to function well. He continued to verify that illness is a form of unaccepted behaviour and people who are ill play the sick role. Moreover, his approach towards these members is that the state comes with responsibilities. The rights that are related with the sick role include; People expect to be excluded from normal roles for that period of time. or duties e. g. work, house chores and also to be nurtured. The family play an important role in caring for the sick person. Responsibility of the sick role is; the sick person has to take good care of wellbeing in order to recover and return to normal duties. The functionalist contrast with the with government views regarding illness, that the society will be ineffective with sick people. Major strategies must be considered for the society to function. The Marxist approach: Concerning health, illness and health and social care services that are offered, the Marxist conform that this is an advantage to those in the high class. The government continue to allow advertisement of products that cause ill health and junk food. Moreover, factories manufacture dangerous products and cars cause air pollution. The functionalist view ill health as something that happen any time, whereas theorists say ill heath is a result of differences in the society. For example in areas of poverty there is high rate of unemployment. The government play a small role to eradicate issues that are associated with illness. Therefore people who are privileged benefit in the society. The Interactionist or social action approach: The interactionist approach is focused on the steps that an individual say about the illness, whether the illness existed or not. There are people who are seriously and do not consider themselves to be ill. There can be consequences to the sick person of being labelled ill. The interationists do not consider structures and institutions. However, they look on difficult relationships between people. Family, friends and professionals influence the individual’s declaration of being ill. The interactionist was criticised of leaving the causes of illness and focus on relationships and negotiations that occur. The approach ignores medical reports and environmental factors like depression, poverty and pollution. Concept of health Health is the state when there is no disease. Parson explained health which was proposed by the Who in 1974, as the condition of being physically, intellectual and spiritually fit. The absence of disease received negative report that gives no attention to individual’s physical, emotional and intellectual health. Car providers apply the holistic approach to care and support heath care users. Health care providers view themselves to deal with needs of patients instead of recognised matters. Three strands that were identified by Blaxter are; positive – when a person is fit and well: negative – health is being without pain or discomfort and functional – health is the ability to carry out daily tasks. Models of health Biomedical model The biomedical model originated from Western countries, the model supports the National Health Services. Health is considered as disease not found and professional help is required. The aim of professionals is to treat illness and the model so not focus on patients. Sociologists say look less on environmental factors that may cause ill health. The biomedical model focuses on the ill person instead of environmental and social factors. The biomedical model relates with the functionalist perspective. The functionalist perspectives say that illness cause the society be ineffective. The sick role has responsibilities to cooperate with the medical doctors. The socio-medical model The socio-medical model of health pays attention on environmental and social factors that lead to health in in the community. Researchers obtained information that life expectancy has increased and death rate is falling. The National Health Services provide free medical services. The report support that social factors cause ill health. The socio-medical model fits with the conflict theorists. Conflict theorists identified that there is lower life expectancy and increasing rates of illness people with low income and areas of poverty. Less privileged people have a poor diet and they live in areas where there is pollution. Although politicians identify plans to help people with illness they do not want to contribute. Biomedical model look on diagnosis, whereas the socio-medical focus on environmental factors that cause illness.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Does an International Political System exist?
Does an International Political System exist? Adding Another Page to the International Political System’s History Book The International Political System’s existence has been questioned in every way, and a plethora of studies have been conducted either to verify its very presence or reject it. It has gone through countless criticisms and praises. But even if we identified the truth about its existence, what would be the importance of knowing if such a system existed? Perhaps it is to make the obscure world a little bit clear. We get to learn things in the system better and possibly even predict what can happen in the future. The only tough task I presume is to classify them since the scope is immense. This paper aims to dwell into the subject matter and prove that one does exist. The first part of the paper will tackle the definitions of the words, â€Å"international,†â€Å"political,†and â€Å"system,†and how they constitute a set of elements peculiar to others. Having put together their definitions, I will turn my focus to the underlying topics that conform to the International Political System’s existence. And lastly, I will provide a conclusion that is going to sum up all my points in this paper. The term â€Å"international†was popularized by a political philosopher named Jeremy Bentham at a time when nation-states were perceived to be prominent actors in the world arena.[1] Using a less authoritative definition, it is â€Å"existing, occurring, or carried on between nations,†according to The English Oxford Dictionary. Furthermore, what is political, according to David Easton, refers to the â€Å"distribution of social values[2].†Systems, however, as defined also by David Easton, are just â€Å"constructions of experiential values, impartial and are not defined by ideology.[3]†Although we are more familiar with defining systems as, â€Å"sets of interacting parts that comprise a whole.†In addition, Hedley Bull also defined international system as a union of states bounded by interaction. This interaction, though, should have a significant amount of impact on another’s behavior[4]. Therefore, an International Political System inv olves two or more states bounded in common interaction with relation to the allocation of social values. To further elaborate the specifics of defining a system, especially one that is political, I will be using David Easton’s Systems Analysis and Categories for the Systems Analysis of Politics. With Easton’s given definition of a system above, it is said to be an open and adaptive system. He suggests that social systems create an open system. An open system is a system that responds to the environment’s influences and vice versa[5]. David Easton argues that a system cannot exist in a void. He claims that system requires an environment for it to exist[6]. And this environment, which is composed of the physical, sociological, social, and psychological, should enclose a system. Therefore, the identification of boundaries is clear. The environment is divided into two parts: intra-societal and extra-societal. The intro-societal consists of systems quite similar to that of the political. These may include a system that is economic, social, etc. While on the other hand, the extra-societal encompasses systems that do not belong within the society. Systems that are international in scope fall under this category – extra-societal (also called â€Å"super systems†). Thus, an international political system is one of the said systems. Now that the definitions have been provided, I will now give topics that indirectly claim that an international political system exists. They are its very foundation of today’s system. Moreover, topics such as structure-functionalism and the identification of patterns will be discussed. A factor to consider whether or not an international political system exists is the presence of intergovernmental organizations. These organizations address the problems of its members and solve them[7]. Having said so, there is a constant interaction between states. This is accomplished through the building of institutions or modifying the old ones. Take the United Nations for example, the European Union, and the World Bank, too. The United Nations have been participating in peacekeeping missions around the globe[8]. Consequently, it is an instrument for regulating power in the international system, acts as arbitraries in pacts or agreements between states, inspires political change, builds norms, ensures development of states. The ability to intervene in the politics of others is interaction. The European Union, however, evidently presents the interdependence of each member in the system. Thus, conflict would be avoided. It is also known not just to prosper financially and politica lly, but to observe human rights and see things in a democratic manner[9]. The World Bank however hopes to eradicate poverty across the globe and provide impartiality in the progressing world[10]. All of which have goals that are not centered in just one state. The scale ranges from a regional collective to an international/world collective. Thus, intergovernmental organizations give way to the existence of an international political system. With the inevitability of intergovernmental organizations, comes the existence of international laws. In neorealism, there exists a structure occupied by anarchic units. And in order to maintain stability and remain organized within the system, established rules are to be followed[11]. These rules make up the international laws. Although the only downfall of having such international laws is the fact that it invades the sovereignty of the states; therefore, international laws are being observed with consent of the state. The state might feel threatened that its sovereignty would be at stake. Transnational institutions are able to connect people in different places, strengthening ties between them. These are corporations that are â€Å"transnational.†They go beyond what it is to be a state or a nation. Although they are not states which we usually identify as units in an international political system, they do have what it takes to interact which undeniably still affects the system. Hence, they can be seen as units of analysis on this context. Existent before and today, diplomacy has been a big factor to prove that an international political system exists. Diplomacy is the peaceful relations among state[12]. It has existed throughout the course of history, preventing wars and promoting peace within the system. Without the will of states to communicate or interact, diplomacy then would be rendered useless. And had there not been diplomacy when interaction occurred, the options would have been to ignore or to go to war. Evidently, whatever choice a state pursues inevitably affects the behavior of the others. Thus, diplomacy is vital in conforming to the presence of an international political system. Treaties are written forms wherein states agree to something. This may include two or more states. It is also ruled by international law. Then again, this is political, and it includes two or more states which are our current units of analysis. Moreover, they do constitute a system. Treaties have been prevalent throughout the course of world history. Some of them include the Westphalian Treaty, which gave the birth of the definition of a state. Armistices which are also referred to as a ceasefire among warring states, contributes to the development of an international political system[13]. Today, we can see the armistice North Korea and South Korea which has been going on for a while now. Another feature is war. War is deeply connected to culture and is even as old as man himself. Although in contemporary times, when everything is quite organized, and wars occur due to the failure of politics[14]. Conflicts spawn when interests contradict, and this is political. World War II for example, came into being because of an immense sense of pride – Nazism. This ultra-nationalistic idea had interests which contradicted many, and so a war was brought into existence. What are usually associated with wars are the formations of alliances. There could exist two factions or a bipolar system where the power rests on two parties. From a liberalist’s perspective the increasing power of an ally isn’t much of a threat and neither do you feel threatened. In fact, you feel more secure. Somehow, this interaction shows an acknowledgment of one state to recognize the other. Hence, from a liberalist’s standpoint, as opposed to realism, cooperation is best, and interaction is greater[15]. Those who conform to this conceive of an absolute gain, or a positive or a negative sum game. Wherein both parties may have a win-win situation or a lose-lose situation. Unlike from a realist’s standpoint, it is always a zero sum game where one wins and the other loses. Hence, realists believe solely on self-interests, where liberalists, on the other hand, believe in shared interests[16]. Since the structure of the international system is anarchic, as conformed to neorealism, conflicts favor the system[17]. Observing the behavior of states, they appear to be relative such as how power that exists is. States normally try to balance their power to whoever has much, or surpass them[18]. Since systems promote stability and unity, the balance of power is intrinsic to the subject matter. This is done out of security purposes, which is in fact, political. Another issue to be tackled is the existence of its boundaries. The international political system, I suppose, should be an open and adaptive system, as what David Easton envisioned for a political system[19]. It should be able to accept whatever the environment has to offer and adapt to it. In order to identify the environment, we must first know the boundaries which separate it from the system. The fact that there exists an international economic system, suggests that it is a different field from the international political system. We can already identify a hint of its environment this way. Instead of focusing on how much the international political system has, we draw our attention more on what it lacks; then systematically, we can easily identify what belongs to its environment. Many critics though such as Lampert believe that the system is too immense that it leaves no space for the environment. But then again, it has all the qualifications of a system; it is only what the syste m lacks that is part of the environment. These aforementioned topics tell us that the system does exist. Now, I will be moving to the structure-functionalism theory. It is often called as â€Å"scientific analysis[20].†It often asks the questions: 1. What patterns exist in the study? 2. What are the conditions that these pattern produce? 3. What processes exist? First, I will define what a structure is. Structures are patterns to which a process is taking place. Functions, however, is defined as â€Å"a condition resulting from the activity performed by a unit[21].†Therefore, structure-functionalism ultimately refers to the foundation of theories to which they explain a comprehensive system framework. In light of the situation of determining the existence of the international political system, the structure would refer to the disturbances that affect the behavior of the units involved. Patterns usually provide us foresight. It is the importance of studying the international political system in order to predict what could possibly happen in the future. Since it clears what is obscure, it could help us establish norms that conform to the patterns that the structure provides. Wars, for example, have been countless results of patterns. From a realist’s point of view, there exist polarities. Power, which every unit struggles for, is a social value. It is their interest and patterns such as balancing of power, offensive realism, defensive realism, come into play[22]. Whatever deviates from these patterns triggers war. It is plausible that almost anything can be quantified today. By providing a set of actions to political actors inevitably mean that system exists. Therefore, without an international political system, patterns would not be provided and understanding the political phenomena in society will be difficult. This is one of the reasons why an international political system should exist. It will provide a framework that will guide political scientists or scholars who specialize in the field of international relations. It is to provide a political map and understand the underlying causes as each situation occurs. Consequently, should this field be taken as a discipline of study, future scholars could possible devise multiple theories which can benefit the entirety of the system. Furthermore, discontinuities can pose no threat to the missing links or the gap that development took a leap. And even better, this leap could spring forward to an even farther destination. Conclusion: Of the given topics above, I have attempted to prove that an international political system exists. From the very definitions of these terms that make up the subject matter, to intergovernmental organizations that exist within the system, to international laws by which states respect and ultimately follow with consent, to transnational institutions or actors that expand or go beyond a state level of analysis, to how diplomatic relationships refer to the preservation of their respective politics without conflict, to wars that eventually happen due to the patterns provided by the international political system, to how formation of alliances meddle with the interactions of states and the influences abroad, and to the realist’s perspective of an anarchic system. Further discussion about the scope of the system has been talked about, identifying the boundaries of All these topics are involved in the activities that comprise the international political system. To identify the origins of the system, I have used the structure-functionalism theory and Systems analysis. Structure-functionalism is a foundation to many systems. It provides the patterns found in the study and used the structure-functionalism theory. I have found it useful to incorporate this field to conform to the system’s existence since it has been a foundation to many systems in the environment. It starts off by identifying patterns found in the political phenomena. Consequently, it determines the functions of each element included in the structure. Having done so, a system is created. David Easton’s analysis however of a political system states that it is adaptive and open. Moreover, he states that systems are not bounded by an ideology. Furthermore, he states that environment which encloses the political system can be divided into two: intra-societal and extra-societal. He further states that the intra-societal environment consists of systems similar to that of the political; while extra-societal, on the other hand, involves supra systems, or systems international in nature. And lastly, I have provided instances why an international political system exists and should exist. I have stated multiple assessments that could either help us get through international matters in a good way or the opposite, all depending on the existence of an international political system. Bibliography European Union. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2014, from European Union Web site: Hamilton, K., Langhorne, R. (1995). The Practice of Diplomacy. New York: Routledge. McCormick. (2004). Comparative Politics in Transition. Indiniapolis : Cengage Learning. Susser, B. (1991). Approaches to the Study of Politics. New York: Prentice Hall. The World Bank. (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2014, from The World Bank Web site: Wansbach, R., Rhodes, E. (2000). Global Politics in a Changing World. Houghton Mifflin Company. Young, O. (1968). United Nations and the International System. International Organization, Vol. 22 No. 4. [1] Richard W. Mansbach and Edward Rhodes, Global Politics in a Changing World (Boston:2000) [2] Bernard Susser, Approaches to the Study of Politics (New Jersey, 1991) [3] Ibid. [4] Hedley Bull, Anarchical Society (New York, 1977) [5] Bernard Susser, op.cit. [6] Ibid. [7] Richard W. Mansbach and Edward Rhodes, op. cit. [8] Oran R. Young, United Nations and the International System (Madison: 1968) [9] Retrieved August 29, 2014, from [10] Retrieved August 29, 2014, from [11] David Kinsella, Bruce Russett, and Harvey Starr, World Politics: The Menu for Choice (Boston, 2010) [12] Keith Hamilton and Richard Langhorne, The Practice of Diplomacy (New York, 1995) [13] John McCormick, Comparative Politics in Transition (Indianapolis, 2007) [14] Richard W. Mansbach, op.cit. [15] Bruce Russett, Harvey Starr, and David Kinsella, op.cit. [16] Ibid. [17] Ibid. [18] Ibid. [19] Bernard Susser, op.cit. [20] Ibid. [21] Ibid. [22] Bruce Russett, Harvey Starr, and David Kinsella, op.cit. Sociology: Attack On Biological Determinism Sociology: Attack On Biological Determinism Biological determinism is a theory that tries to explain a persons behaviour and other aspects of life in relation to his or her genetic makeup. This theory was encompasses the work of various prominent scientists such as Mendel, Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. Biological determinism abnegates the idea of the surrounding influencing the characteristics and behavioural aspects of an individual. For decades, this theory has been expounded in order to explain human behaviour comprehensively. Charles Darwin proposed heritable characteristics are determined through natural selection. Darwin was of the opinion that an individual would inherit the optimal characteristics that would ensure his survival or have a reproductive advantage. However, sociologists have strongly criticized the biological determinism theory because it does not take into account the environmental factors that affect behaviour (Banyard and Grayson, 2000). This article aims to discuss the concept of biological determ inism and the opinion of sociologists on this concept. Discussion Biologists, when referring to different behaviours and roles of individual in the society, agree that a set of predetermined biological process determine these behaviours. Therefore, people think and act in different manner because they have different development in their brains (Velden, 2010). Biological theorists are of the opinion that the chromosomes and hormones in his body control brain cell formation. For example, the male in the society are equipped with both the Y and X chromosomes whereas the women only have the X chromosome. The Y chromosome in men leads to production of testosterone and other male hormones. Therefore, the male brain develops differently from that of a woman due to the difference in genetic material in the sexes. Biologists have gone further to use the differences in male and female brain to explain the difference in behaviours between the sexes (Kronfeldner, 2009). Biological determinism operates on the assumption that all behaviours have particular causes, which are mainly genetic or related to biological functions and processes. Experiments done by Raine et al (1997) focused in the abnormalities found in the brain of murderers. Raine et al (1997) tried to find determine the common factor in murderers who had put a plea of not guilty by virtue of insanity. In the experiments, Raine et al (1997) looked at the PET scans of murderers and observed their cortical and sub-cortical brains. This experiment aimed to determine whether having brain dysfunction and abnormalities like schizophrenia are linked to the violent behaviours exhibited by the murderers. Raines experiment only focused on the innate factors while it ignored the external factors such as the environments that may control the behaviours of an individual. Biological determinism also focuses on reductionism. Reductionism views individuals as divided into hierarchical groups. Therefore, the biological determinists view the inequalities between sexes, nations, classes as intrinsic rather than extrinsic (Carolan, 2005). Therefore, this theory portrays the picture that if one person is less successful than the other is, it is s not because of the contributing factors in the environment, but because the other person is intrinsically incapable of being successful. Biological determinists therefore believe that men in the society are dominant because they are intrinsically more aggressive and rational than women. According to this theory, biologically inheritable material and not the surrounding environment determine division in the society (Carolan, 2005). It is the opinion of most sociologist that it is irrational to consider social classification as a genetic factor. This is because human from different divides and social backgrounds have been known to interact and live in similar classes. It is also logical to assume that the environment and the surrounding enforces some traits and leads success or failure of an individual in a society. It is from this mode of thinking that sociologists have formulated their theories on human behaviour and societal interaction. The external environment contributes greatly to the behaviour of a person in the society. In fact, according to sociologist the surrounding environment solely regulates behaviour. Although biologists believe that only biological processes influence behaviours, there are various flaws in this perspective. Biologists tend to ignore cognitive behaviours exhibited by individuals in their theory of biological determinism. This is where sociologist criticizes the biological determinism theory. Sociologists believe that people exhibit different behaviours depending on the surrounding environment. For decades, the sociologists view on biological determinism has been that of disapproval. Most sociologists are uneasy with the biological determinism theory because it does not fully explain behavioural exhibition in people (Carolan, 2005). Sociologists disapproval of determinism is justifiable to a given extend especially when such disapproval is guided by ideologues that seek to validate, and rectify, the status quo of the biological determinism. The argument advanced by sociologist is based on the fact biological determinists have a fear that there is a probability of l osing the genic capacity. Therefore, sociologists believe that looking very deep into the realm bio physiology to explain social phenomenon is irrational and rather irresponsible. Social scientists such Skinner believe that all behavioural aspects of a person are determined by the external stimuli (Boeree, 2006). Skinner in his theory concluded that the concept of free will is just an illusion and a persons behaviour will usually conform to his surrounding rather than be genetically determined. Skinners theory on behaviour was majorly based on operant conditioning. Skinner believed that an organism or a person operated in a specific environment with various stimuli that contributed towards specific behaviours. Therefore, skinner believed that when a person or organism is exposed to certain environment a stimulus known as the reinforcer contributed towards his repeated behavioural exhibition (Boeree, 2006). From Skinners theory, we can deduce that a behaviour followed by a reinforcing stimulus has a higher likelihood of being repeated or not. Skinner used the example of a rat in a cage with a bar or pedal. In case the rat presses the pedal or the bar, it leads to release of food pellet. Assume the rat is bouncing in the cage and accidentally presses the bar then the food pellet is released. Therefore, this rat will tend to repeat this behaviour not because it inherited such traits but because it there is a reinforcing stimulus in the environment (Boeree, 2006). Watson John supports Skinners opinion by also showing that the surrounding environment governs an individuals behaviour.  Watson assumes that behaviour exhibited by an individual can be correlated to other observable occurrences in the environment. In Watsons opinion, there are usually definite occurrences that precede and follow exhibition of certain behaviours. Watsons behaviourism theory attempts to explain the relation between stimuli in the environment and an individuals response (behaviour). Watson like Skinner borrowed his idea on behaviour from Pavlovs conditioning experiments. Watson believed that individual learned through stimuli substitution and similarly behaviours in individual are exhibited according to change in stimuli rather than genetic predispositions (Winfred, 2010). Watson became one of the many sociologists to oppose the mentalist concept. He believed that the early neuroscientists were very ignorant on how the nervous system and the brain functioned. At that time, biological determinism was widely accepted as an explanation to behavioural exhibitions. However, Watson changed this opinion by using contiguity to explain how organisms learned. Watsons theory assumed that emotions were complex expression of classical conditioning and therefore complex behaviours only came about due to combination of recognisable reflexes (Winfred, 2010). Like Skinner, Watson believed that repeated activity strengthened the learning process and the learning process is what creates the difference between human behaviour. Despite the fact that Watsons position did not explain the concept of human learning, his theory is currently considered as one of the pioneers to learning sciences. Conclusion In the society, the most obvious feature is inequality. It is obvious that some individuals have great wealth while others are poor Different groups explain these inequalities according t their preferred theory. Biological determinists believe that inequality in the society is as a result of the intrinsic factors. Sociologists on the other hand believe that social differences are as a result of extrinsic factors. Both these arguments are passionate and provide interesting view into the human behaviour and social organization.Sociologists try explaining the relation between human beings and their surrounding while neglecting the concept of biological determinism. However, socialism alone cannot explain some behavioural patterns neither can biological determinism. It is necessary for both the sociologist and biologists to move towards a relatively dynamic theory, which is open to interrelation of theories from both sides of the divide. No matter how much the sociologist may wish to sti ck to their theory, they cannot evade the complex nature of biological organisms. As much as the environment influences the behaviour, it is necessary to note that chemical reactions and hormonal changes also influence how organisms and human behave. Currently, it would be absurd to support only one theory due to the evidence available. Social theories provide their arguments, which are as compelling as the arguments provided by the biological determinists. It is therefore irrelevant for sociologist to wage war against biologists since booth theories have weaknesses, which can be augmented if the theories are combined to form a grand theory that explains human behaviour.
Free Essays - Chronicle of a Death Foretold :: Chronicle Death Foretold Essays
The Understanding of Characters Through Relationships Relationships create strong holds in novels. They give a sense of what to base a character's acts and decision's on. Through how the author uses their tone and descriptions, relating to relationships, a sense of characterization can be developed. "Anna Karenina", by Leo Tolstoy, translated by Joel Carmichael, and "Chronicle of a Death Foretold", by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, translated by Gregory Rabassa, are no exception to this clause. Relationships form throughout these novels, by incorporating literary elements like characterization romanticism and realism, giving characters a sense of who they are, and the reader a sense of their role and reference to the story. In "Anna Karenina", relationships are built throughout the story helping for the reader to understand characters and who they are. One of the two major relationships taking place in the novel is between Anna Karenina and Levin. Anna Karenina, arguably the most important character to the novel, gets many of her key traits brought forth by relationship problems. Anna's search through her quest for love is purely emotional, and at the end of her character's life Anna's reason fails her. She has too much feeling and emotion, a trait shared by many of Tolstoy's characters. Her feeling from her relationship tend to overpower her thoughts and opinions, giving the novel a sense of romanticism. She becomes disgruntle. In the end, Anna can't hold her own wits. Tolstoy uses characterization to present Anna, through the relationships she has it can be understood her attitude and personal qualities. Levin, one of the main partners in a relationship with Anna, is the hero of Anna Karenina. Through Tolstoy's tone and description in the interaction between Anna and Levin it is almost gathered that Levin was created to merely point out his superiority, and his relationships with Anna does directly that. Where Anna continually maneuvers hysterically to achieve the perfect romance, Levin strives to find coherence in life and death, love and work. This can be discovered through the characterization directed towards Levin. Anna becomes a portrait of alienation through this relationship. Levin finds harmony with those around him. In Anna, you find a moral collapse, while in Levin, you see Tolstoy's hopes and joys of his future. Anna and Levin show a variation of character traits brought forth from their relationship. The second great relationship taking place forms between Vronsky and Kitty.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Actuality of the Dream Essay -- essays papers
Actuality of the Dream At the onset of an emerging American society, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur comments on the principles of American social organization and the new consciousness that was arising in Letters from an American Farmer. Crevecoeur incorporated not only his own personal feelings and thoughts into this work, but also integrated depictions of ordinary American life using the â€Å"important philosophical, political, and economic theories of the Enlightenment†(850). The images of a picturesque American farmer whose life is seemingly perfect and filled with abundant happiness in his â€Å"new†world is the foundation, but this vision is abruptly transformed into complete despondency when â€Å"perfection†is contaminated with slavery and Revolution. The detailed illustration of this dream world, gone array, is filled with intense accounts of utter bliss and happiness to those of horrific brutality and desolation. In Letters, Crevecoeur effectively utilizes imagery in scenes of farming, slavery and war, and progressive changes in tone to portray the actuality of the new â€Å"happy†land of opportunity, America, that entitles each to â€Å"entertain new ideas and form new opinions†while also depicting a complete divergence from English traditions (857). Thus, producing the formation of the American, the destruction of a notion of the ideal life, and the development of the American consciousness. Crevecoeur poses the famous question, ‘What, then, is the American, this new man?’ (850) He also addresses some of the most pressing concerns of the time: the issue of American identity, self-interests, and freedom from institutional oppression. While celebrating the largeness and fertility of the land, this narrative also introduces darker elements, including slavery and war that casts a long shadow over the new nation. During a time of monarchial rule where free choice and independence were not even considered, Crevecoeur created a setting through images of freedom, where pursuit of self-interest is the way of life and the only governing landlord is â€Å"the lord of all the land†(852). This is an extremely problematic notion because James is still a British subject, loyal to the throne, only reaping the benefits of a fertile America while claiming no steadfast allegiance to either country. Although it appears he is loyal to America as he states, â€Å"I felt myself h... ...Although America appeared to offer freedom from monarchial rule, it did not promise a society free from conflict and differing ideas. And it is this that makes for an effective work: the promise of freedom appeals to the masses that so desperately seek it in combination with the variations in imagery and tone on account of an altering society that prove extremely effective both literarily and rhetorically. Thus, the formation of the American was more than just the creation of a specific type of person. It was the development of a consciousnessâ€â€an understanding and acceptance of the changes that are bound to face a society that allows for freedom of thought and the formation of new and diverse opinions. And this is what Crevecoeur is attempting to prove through the delight and tribulations in Letters from an American Farmer. No matter where James escaped to, there would be evils to plague his happiness. America offered the freedom to choose, and to be an American would mean to retain personal independence and pursue self-interests. However, even freedom has its downside. Bibliography: The Heath Anthology of American Literature Third Edition. Paul Lauter (general editor) Actuality of the Dream Essay -- essays papers Actuality of the Dream At the onset of an emerging American society, J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur comments on the principles of American social organization and the new consciousness that was arising in Letters from an American Farmer. Crevecoeur incorporated not only his own personal feelings and thoughts into this work, but also integrated depictions of ordinary American life using the â€Å"important philosophical, political, and economic theories of the Enlightenment†(850). The images of a picturesque American farmer whose life is seemingly perfect and filled with abundant happiness in his â€Å"new†world is the foundation, but this vision is abruptly transformed into complete despondency when â€Å"perfection†is contaminated with slavery and Revolution. The detailed illustration of this dream world, gone array, is filled with intense accounts of utter bliss and happiness to those of horrific brutality and desolation. In Letters, Crevecoeur effectively utilizes imagery in scenes of farming, slavery and war, and progressive changes in tone to portray the actuality of the new â€Å"happy†land of opportunity, America, that entitles each to â€Å"entertain new ideas and form new opinions†while also depicting a complete divergence from English traditions (857). Thus, producing the formation of the American, the destruction of a notion of the ideal life, and the development of the American consciousness. Crevecoeur poses the famous question, ‘What, then, is the American, this new man?’ (850) He also addresses some of the most pressing concerns of the time: the issue of American identity, self-interests, and freedom from institutional oppression. While celebrating the largeness and fertility of the land, this narrative also introduces darker elements, including slavery and war that casts a long shadow over the new nation. During a time of monarchial rule where free choice and independence were not even considered, Crevecoeur created a setting through images of freedom, where pursuit of self-interest is the way of life and the only governing landlord is â€Å"the lord of all the land†(852). This is an extremely problematic notion because James is still a British subject, loyal to the throne, only reaping the benefits of a fertile America while claiming no steadfast allegiance to either country. Although it appears he is loyal to America as he states, â€Å"I felt myself h... ...Although America appeared to offer freedom from monarchial rule, it did not promise a society free from conflict and differing ideas. And it is this that makes for an effective work: the promise of freedom appeals to the masses that so desperately seek it in combination with the variations in imagery and tone on account of an altering society that prove extremely effective both literarily and rhetorically. Thus, the formation of the American was more than just the creation of a specific type of person. It was the development of a consciousnessâ€â€an understanding and acceptance of the changes that are bound to face a society that allows for freedom of thought and the formation of new and diverse opinions. And this is what Crevecoeur is attempting to prove through the delight and tribulations in Letters from an American Farmer. No matter where James escaped to, there would be evils to plague his happiness. America offered the freedom to choose, and to be an American would mean to retain personal independence and pursue self-interests. However, even freedom has its downside. Bibliography: The Heath Anthology of American Literature Third Edition. Paul Lauter (general editor)
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Chisholm and Free Will :: essays research papers
Before I begin it is pertinent to note the disparate positions on the problem of human freedom. In "Human Freedom and the Self", Roderick M. Chisholm takes the libertarian stance which is contiguous with the doctrine of incompatibility. Libertarians believe in free will and recognize that freedom and determinism are incompatible. The determinist also follow the doctrine of incompatibility, and according to Chisholm's formulation, their view is that every event involved in an act is caused by some other event. Since they adhere to this type of causality, they believe that all actions are consequential and that freedom of the will is illusory. Compatiblist deny the conflict between free will and determinism. A.J. Ayer makes a compatibilist argument in "Freedom and Necessity". In "Human Freedom and the Self" Chisholm rejects both determinism (every event that is involved in an act is caused by some other event) and indeterminism (the view that the act, or some event that is essential to the act , is not caused at all) on the basis that they are not contingent with the view that : human beings are responsbile agents. The main dilemma that he trys to resolve is as follows. If we adhere to strict determinism and indeterminism, then any act is either caused by a previous event or is not caused at all. Consider that we follow determinism and that we assume the act is caused by a previous event. If that is the case, and freedom conflicts with determinism, then the person who performed the act is not responsible for it. Also, if the act was not caused at all, the person cannot be responsible for it, that is, human responsibility and indeterminism conflict. So if either determinism or indeterminism were true, there would be no other alternate courses of action and people would not be morally responsible because they could not have done otherwise. We've already established that Chisholm feels that humans can be morally praiseworthy or blameworthy only if they have free will. His example is one man shooting another man. Although the man performed the act it was also in his power not to perform the act. I know I'm starting to sound but bear wtih me. Since the act which he did perform is an act that was in his power not to perform then could not have been caused or determined by any event that was not itself within his power either to bring about or not to bring about.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Introduction Islamic Banking in Bangladesh There are currently seven commercial banks operating under Islamic principles. They are: 1. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, 2. Al-Arafah Bank Ltd. 3. Social Investment Bank Ltd, 4. Exim Bank Ltd, 5. Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. 6. Icb Islamic Bank Ltd 7. First security Islami Bank Ltd. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND First Security Islami Bank Limited (FSIBL) was incorporated in Bangladesh on 29 August 1999as a banking company under Companies Act 1994 to carry on banking business.It obtained permission from Bangladesh Bank on 22 September 1999 to commence its business. The Bank carries banking activities through its Fifty Three (53) branches in the country. The commercial banking activities of the bank encompass a wide range of services including accepting deposits,making loans, discounting bills, conducting money transfer and foreign exchange transactions,and performing other related services such a s safe keeping, collections and issuing guarantees,acceptances and letter of credit. At the beginning, FSIBL started their business with traditional commercial banking services.However, from 2008 they converted their business to Islamic Banking with Islamic Shariah Act. The FSIBL has played a pioneering role in shaping the future of the Banking industry inBangladesh since its inception. The Bank started in 1999 with 14 branches and now it has 53 branches in Bangladesh and recently the bank introduce an Exchange House in Canada. The Bank also maintains a comprehensive correspondent relationship with top ranking banks. FSIBL has already started their on-line, SMS and ATM banking facilities for their clients. 2. 2 Vision of the Bank Wherever you are, you can Bank with us†is the motto of First Security Islami Bank. FSIBL is prepared to meet the challenge of the 21st century well ahead of time. To cope with the challengeof the new millennium it hired experi enced and well-reputed banker of the country from theinception. The bank has efficient and dedicated professional and equipped with modemtechnology to provide the best service in the need of the people and thus to realize its vision. Sothe Bank defamed its Vision: ‘to be the most efficient Islamic Bank in terms of customer service profitability and technology application’Mission To develop & deliver the most innovative products, manage customer experience, deliver qualityservices that contributes to brand strength, establishes a competitive advantage and enhances profitability, thus providing value to the stakeholders of the bank 2. 4 Goal of the bank To exceed customer expectations through innovative Islamic financial products & services andestablish a strong presence to recognize shareholder’s expectation and optimize their rewardsthrough dedicated work force. . 5 Special Features of FSIBL †¢ All activiti es of FSIBL are conducted under a profit/loss based system according toIslamic Shariah to get the nation rid of Usury. †¢ Its investment policies under different modes are fully Shariah compliant and wellmonitored by the board of Shariah Council. †¢ FSIBL has included online banking in its wide range of services. Bangladeshisoftware has been introduced in this feature to promote the local developers. †¢ FSIBL regularly arranges its AGMs (Annual General Meeting).Whenever neededEGMs (Extraordinary General Meeting) are also arranged. †¢ They believe in providing dedicated services to the clients imbued with Islamic spiritof brotherhood, peace and fraternity. †¢ The bank is committed towards establishing a welfare-oriented banking system tomeet the needs of low income and underprivileged class of people. †¢ The Bank upholds the Islamic values of establishment of a justified economic systemthrough social emancipation and equi table distribution of wealth. †¢Following the Islamic traditions, it is assisting in the economic progress of thesocially deprived people; in the creation of employment opportunities and in promotion of rural areas to ensure a balance development of the country. 2. 6 FSIBL’s Inter Division and Branch Coordination All the 53 branches are computerized under distributed server environment. Another few branches are planning to open in near future. FSIBL has already started their on-line, SMS andATM banking facilities for their clients.FSIBL have set up Wide Area Network through Radio, Fiber-Optics & other availablecommunication media systems to provide any branch banking to their customers. Customer of one branch is now able to deposit and withdraw money at any of our branch es. 2. 7 Online Banking FSIBL Online banking application addresses the needs of small, individual and corporateaccount holders of the bank. This application provides a comprehensive range of bankingservices that enable the customer to meet most of their banking requirements over the Net at any branch. . 8 SMS Banking SMS banking is a technology-enabled service offering from banks to its customers, permittingthem to operate selected banking services over their mobile phones using SMS messaging. FirstSecurity Islami Bank Ltd. has officially launched SMS banking service from December 17,2007. 2. 9 Merchant Banking FSIBL’s Merchant Banking Group is strongly positioned to offer perfect financial solutions itsclient’s business. They specialize in the arrangement of various forms of Foreign CurrencyCredits for Corporate.FSIBL provide the resources, convenience and services to meet its cl ients’needs by arranging Foreign Currency credits through:†¢ Commercial loans†¢ Syndicated loans  Lines of Credit from Foreign Banks and Financial Institutions†¢ FCNR loans†¢ Loans from Export Credit Agencies†¢ Financing of Imports. 2. 10 Product and Services In the memorandum and articles of association of the First Security Islami Bank is revised itsarea of operation is clearly written. The product of FSIBL is targeted to fulfill that aim.The product and services that are currently available are given below: †¢ Depository Products First Security Islami Bank is now offering 09 depository products for mobilizing the savings of the general people. There are also emphasizing on non-fund business and fee based income. Bid bond/ bid security can be issued at our customer's request. FSIBL is posed to extend L/C facilities to its importers / exporters through establishment of correspondent relations and Nostro Accounts with leading ba nks all over the world. †¢ Loan ProductsFirst Security Islami Bank offers a wide range of loan and advance product to the client for financing different purpose that fulfill the requirements of the bank and have good return to theinvestment as well as satisfy the client. †¢ Other Product and Services The bank has its concentration for new product and services development for satisfying itscustomer and increasing its customer base. They prefer now faster service with least cost. For delivering faster service the bank has introduced online banking service. There are other productsand services that FSIBL has introduced.They are: * Online Banking Services * Locker Services * Utility Bills * ATM services FLUCTUATION OF SHARE PRICE (ONE YEAR) BALANCE SHEET ANALYSYS 3. 1. 5 Types of Investment Facilities The Bank’s Policy is to introduce diversified / new types of Products / Product derivativesalong with usual Banking Products. At present the Bank offers the followin g facilities: i. Investment / Deployment of Funds: a. Bai-Murabaha (Deferred Lump Sum/ Installment Sale) b. Bai-Muajjal (Deferred Installment / Lump Sum Sale)c. Ijara (Leasing)d. Musharaka (Joint-Venture Profit-Sharing)e.Mudaraba (Trustee Profit-Sharing)f. Bai-Salam (Advance Sale and Purchase)g. Hire-Purchaseh. Direct Investmentsi. Post Import Investment j. Purchase and Negotiation of Export Billsk. Inland Bills Purchasedl. Murabaha Import Billsm. Bai-Muajjal Import Billsn. Pre Shipment Investmento. Quard-ul-Hasan (Benevolent Investment) KYC Concept The Investment Officers/RM must know their customers and conduct due diligence onnew borrowers, principals and guarantors to ensure such parties are in fact who theyrepresent themselves to be i. e. , Know Your Customer (KYC).The Banker – Customer relationship would be established first through opening of CD/STD / SB accounts. Proper introduction, photographs of t he account holders / signatories, passport, Trade License, Memorandum and Articles of the Company, certificate of incorporation, certificate of commencement of business, List of Directors, resolution, etc. i. e. all the required papers as per Bank’s policy and regulatory requirements are to beobtained at the time of opening of the account. A declaration regarding approximatetransaction to the account is to be obtained during opening of account.Informationregarding business pattern, nature of business, volume of business etc. is to beascertained. Any suspicious transaction must be timely addressed and brought down tothe notice of the Head Office / Bangladesh Bank as required and also appropriatecorrective measures to be taken as per the direction of Bank Management/BangladeshBank SWOT analysis Strength Diversified ownership pattern Strong market share Good Financial performance Good investment portfolio Comfortable Liquidity position Experienced management team Sound HR development programmes Improvement in automation Wide branch networkSignificant involvement in corporate social responsibility Weakness: Unmatched asset versus capital growth Limited delegation of power Limited modern customer service facilities Moderate recovery of rescheduled investments High large investment exposures Initial stage of system based internal control procedures Opportunities: Investment in SME and Agro based industry Real time online banking Credit card in dual currency Creation of Islamic Money market product Introduce above 5 years Islamic bond Threats: Market pressure for increasing the SLR Overall liquidity crisis in money marketGovernment pressure to reduce investment rate Increase the capital adequacy position Findings * Most of the costumers do not know the regulations of the investment modes. * Shortage of human resources in Investment Section. * Deposit schemes favorin g to the customers. * Senior level executives should be more cooperative with the subordinates. * Regarding security service of the bank, account opening and closing system, phone query, cash withdraw and deposit facility, credit profit rate, online banking, external and internal environment are satisfactory to the customers. Most of the customers are service holder and businessman; they like to come to FSIBL because near to residence / office / work place, better service, easier banking procedure. * Employees of the bank are more cooperative with the customers. * Employees of the bank have good knowledge to solve the queries of the customers. * According to the customers opinion more ATM booths needed to be setup in different places. According to the data analysis customers feeling about banking in FSIBL are very satisfied. Recommendations Different types of products and services are available in FSIBL but clients are not concerned about that so advertisement and promotional activi ties should be increased. * Increasing more deposit schemes under consumer banking. * Providing prompt service in account opening. * Now a day, the online banking service is very much popular in all over the world, so the bank should try to develop in this side. * FSIBL should increase Debit card ; credit card facilities. * SJIBL online service should be fast ; accurate. The website of SJIBL is not good enough; most of the pages are under construction. The page should be constructed as soon as possible. * Should increase the ATM Booths. * More manpower is required to run the business smoothly. * Employee trainings and workshops should be administered in order to give them knowledge and professionalism in customer interactions. They should be taught about how to deal with the problem of customers and problematic situations. * Physical and technological facilities should be increased in evaluating credit proposals. Experienced and expert personnel should be kept within the bank, which will lead to a quality selection of clients * SJIBL should more focus on customer needs. They need to concentrate more on their existing services and product innovation. * A yearly conference with the employees should be arranged where they will exchange their views with the management about different aspects. This will help to increase the efficiency of the employees. * Prompt service should be given to the customers. In this regard arranging job rotation regularly for employees to improve the skills in different types of service.This will increase the efficiency of the service. * More emphasis should be given on the customers’ complaint. * Informal training can be a way to improve the skills of the employee. Allocating job responsibility to the employees according to their profit. * Try to create a good image to customers through different promotional tools Conclusion First security Islami Bank Limited is one of the leading Islamic sharah based commercial bank in Banglades h. FSIBL is committed to provide excellent service to its valued customers. The management of FSIBL always gives special efforts to uphold the interest and trust of their customers.By providing excellence service and special effort First Security Islami Bank has placed itself to a strong position among all the banks. The main focus of FSIBL is to concentrate on the consumer demand, which differentiates FSIBL with other banks. FSIBL has been successfully created a brand image Islamic sharah based in the market and is maintaining a strong position in the market. But still it has some weakness, which can be easily overcome. FSIBL has much more potential to explore the existing market. So, to be the number one forever they have to be very perfect in their business.
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